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Unit 4 Summer Term Newsletter

Unit 4 Summer Term 1 Newsletter

Learning experience

Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the next 6 weeks: ‘We’ve Lost the Plot!’.

We’ve lost the plot! After planning our new Learning Experience over the Easter break we’ve unfortunately lost the plot in Unit 4. Fortunately, we still have the setting for our new Learning Experience and it’s the job of the children to create a new plot! This half-term, the children are challenged to create a story set in space or on a new planet. The children will plan their story in teams and tell it in three different ways: a comic strip, a written narrative and a play-script. Once these are written, the children will share their scripts to a panel of ‘experts’ to decide which plot will be used in Summer 2 when we will film our Unit 4 movie.


During this half term, in ability-based sets, the children will continue to develop their reasoning and fluency skills in different contexts. The children will be expected to use their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. The children will be challenged to become more fluent with their skills, which include multiplication tables and related number facts. There will be a continued focus on ensuring the children reason with their responses (asking themselves if the answer given is appropriate).


Through the 6 week learning experience, the children will be expected to create a comic strip, narrative and play-script. They will explore, in detail, the grammatical features of both genres to ensure they produce a high quality outcome. The children will continue to be encouraged to read a range of quality texts as these experiences broaden their vocabulary and develop their awareness of more complex punctuation and sentence structures.

Home Learning

During this learning experience, we would like the children to design a movie poster for their new movie. Children are asked to look for inspiration from their favourite movie posters and incorporate them in their design. Weekly spelling and maths tasks to be completed in their home learning books and on My Maths/Sumdog. For reading homework this year, we are trialling a new online software called ‘Read Theory’, each child in Unit 4 has a login and is asked to complete a task every two week cycle.


This term will see the children investigate the topic of Evolution and Inheritance. By the end of the unit, the children will be able to understand how mutations and adaptations are vital to evolution. They will also see how animals and plants have evolved over the years, and the effect of selective breeding. Finally, they will explore fossils, learning how they are formed and why fossil records are so important to understanding how species have changed and adapted over the years. 

PE / Art / Spanish / RE

In PE this half term, our focus will be invasion games. Eagles (Monday/Friday), Kestrels (Monday/Wednesday) and Hawks (Monday/Thursday).

In Spanish, this half term, the children will continue to explore basic conversations about items that they might carry in their bags. They will move on to looking at sports and hobbies.

In RE this half-term, children will be exploring pilgrimages, learning that many major religions perform sacred journeys and the reasoning behind them.   

Our School Value Focus: Creativity

Throughout all our work this half-term, children will use and apply the value of Creativity.

Dates for your diary

14th – 17th May – Year 6 SATs

Thursday 17th May – Year 5 Rounders Festival

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075