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Unit 3 Summer Term Newsletter

Unit 3 Summer 2 Newsletter

Please find details of our new Learning Experience for this half term:

Alongside ‘Superheroes’, the children will also have the opportunity to learn about the World Cup as it happens. This will include elements of geography and P.E. We hope the children will enjoy engaging in current events.

Learning Experience Rationale

Children will learn about the real life significance of our school values. They will use their creativity skills to create their own values-based superhero and create artwork and high quality writing based on this.

This work will be on display at our Preston Comic Con outcome event on Wednesday 18th July 2018 at 2.45pm in the hall.

School value focus: All of them – each one will be discussed.

Learning Experience Outcome

Children will produce two pieces of high quality writing based on our model texts. They will produce a letter to their superhero and a diary entry from the perspective of a day in the life of their superhero. They will be inspired by pop art to create bright and colourful pictures of the superheroes.


During this half term, year 4 children will develop their knowledge and understanding of decimals and money, whilst year 3 pupils will be developing their understanding of fractions. They will be using resources and images to help their conceptual understanding. We are continuing to develop a mastery approach to our teaching, where the children are required to justify the reasoning for their answers. We are continuing to develop the children’s ability to write about their understanding of what they notice; we call this journaling. We ask that all children practice their times tables at home as often as possible.


Throughout the six week learning experience the children will be expected to write two pieces of high quality work. The first will be a letter to their superhero, explaining why they think they are great and persuading them to come to school to meet the children. This will focus on formal letter writing. The second piece will be a diary entry based on a day in the life of their superhero and will be more informal. We will compare and contrast the two writing styles.

Reading at home We expect the children to read books at home as often as possible. We encourage the idea of questioning your children about what they have read and asking them to find the evidence in the text – we have found that this process increases their comprehension skills. We have introduced our new library system so the children will be coming home with books appropriate for their reading age.


This term will see the children learning about animals, including humans, with a particular focus on their habitats and classification.

Drama / Spanish / PE / RE

Our focus for drama will be based around developing expression and body language. Cricket and swimming are the PE activities for this half term. Spanish lessons will be based on food and drink and include simple conversations. RE will be based on the key principles of Buddhism.

Home Learning: All children will have weekly spelling and maths tasks. In addition to this, we are also aiming to set up ‘Read Theory’, which is an online reading program to help develop comprehension. Login details will be provided shortly.

In addition to this, as part of this learning experience, we are asking the children to create a fact file about their superhero. The children can also create their own superhero top trump cards (templates will be available in class for children to take home).

Linking to the World Cup, any research on countries that are playing that the children want to do will be gladly shown in class.

This homework is due in on: Monday 9th July 2018


Thanks, Unit 3 team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075