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Daily Mile

Daily Mile Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

At Preston, we believe that we are all life-long learners. It is because of this belief that we are always striving for new and innovative ways to give the children we teach the best start a school can offer. You may be aware that we have introduced the ‘Daily Mile’ as part of our PE curriculum. In any PE session, an individual child could run/walk a mile without being aware that this is something that they have achieved.  The ‘Daily Mile’ is becoming an international movement with many schools around the world pledging to take part. Currently, we are in a three week trial period to see if the ‘Daily Mile’ works as part of our ongoing innovative curriculum. All children in Units 3 and 4 (Years 3, 4, 5, and 6) are encouraged to take part, and all degrees of individual fitness and abilities are supported appropriately. Already, we are seeing a positive impact on individuals.

Here are some quotes from children that have taken part: Jack – ‘It’s tiring but I push myself and that feeling is so rewarding at the end of the run.’, Jasper – ‘I like setting my own goals whilst I run.’, Robyn – I feel so rewarded at the end because I know I’ve pushed myself.’, Toby – ‘Because of the Daily Mile, I feel more focused and I can concentrate more in lessons.’, Kole – ‘At first I felt I couldn't do it but now I can’t believe how well I’m doing.’

At the end of this trial period, we will share with you as parents and guardians our final decision with regards to moving forward. We thank you for your support.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075