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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter - 7th September 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here is an outline of the exciting learning opportunities your child will experience next week, including how this could be supported further at home.

A warm welcome to all of you, whether this is a brand new experience or if you have siblings at school already, it is a huge moment for you and your child and we are thoroughly looking forward to working alongside you all this year.

Your little ones have had a very busy three days settling into their new school, learning new routines and developing new friendships. We have been so impressed with their eagerness to participate in new activities and the atmosphere in the classrooms has been happy and calm. Today your child will be bringing home a photo page of their first few days at school for them to talk to you about at home.

Next week we will think about ourselves and talk about our friends and family. We will be making self-portraits, talking about our family and creating handprint trees for our classroom.

In Maths, we will be counting forwards and backwards to 20 from any number. We will focus on the number 5 and the ways this number can be represented with objects, images and partitioning.

If you haven’t already, we would love your child to bring in a shoebox of their favourite things (photos or objects) for them to share with the rest of the class as part of our circle times.

Next week we will be visiting the school library and your child will bring a book home to share with you. Please read with your child and discuss some of the questions that are at the front of the red home-school link book. There is also a log sheet for you to record any books you may have shared at home.   

Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home:

  • Sharing books together with family  
  • Dressing and undressing independently
  • Writing our names using correct letter formation
  • Recognising and writing the numbers 0-5 (or beyond)

Please can you send your child in with named wellies to be kept at school for our weekly woodland trips.

Waterproof coat/trousers would also be very useful if you have them which your child can leave on their peg for our mud and water play.

We have a child with a peanut allergy in our unit. We please request that peanut products are not put into your child’s packed lunch as the children will be eating in the same environment. Thank you.

Many thanks, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Bastin and Mrs Clague

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075