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Unit 4 Newsletter

Unit 4 Autumn Newsletter

Learning experience

Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the next 6 weeks: ‘Norse Code'.

This half term in Unit 4 we will be learning about the Vikings. For centuries the Vikings raided coastal towns around Great Britain and even visited Devon! Children will look at, in depth, what impact the Vikings had on our country and what it was like to be a Viking. In order to do this, children will explore the religious beliefs of the Vikings and how the Gods influenced their day to day lives. We will also look at why they explored the known (and unknown) world at the time.


During this half term, children will develop their knowledge and understanding of number, place value through the mastery approach.   The children will be expected to use their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. They will be challenged to become more fluent with their skills, which include multiplication tables and related division facts.


Through the 6 week learning experience, the children will be expected to create a non-chronological report based on life during the Viking era. This non-chronological report will form a base of understanding which will help the children next half term when writing their very own Viking style sagas. As always, the children will be encouraged to read a range of quality texts as these experiences broaden their vocabulary and develop their awareness of more complex punctuation and sentence structures.

Home Learning

Over the next 6 weeks we would like the children to get creative and create Viking shields. Weekly literacy, spelling and maths tasks to be completed in their home learning books and on My Maths/Sumdog.

Our Value Focus: Respect

Throughout all our work this half-term, children will use and apply the value of respect.


For science this term the children will look at ‘Light'. Children will explore how light travels, how it is made up, how we see and how our eyes work. Over the course of this Learning Experience children will continue to develop their scientific lines of enquiry and why it is important to ensure that when performing a scientific experiment, we are aware of the variables that we are testing. They will experiment with simple circuits to make a light bulb work and will examine the construction of a light bulb.

PE / ICT / Spanish / RE

In PE, this half term, children will be taking part in athletics and rounders. Children will focus on using equipment effectively and working as part of a team.

ICT this term will link directly to our Learning Experience. Children will be taught how to stay safe online whilst using Minetest (in a local secure server) to create a historically accurate Viking Village.

In Spanish, this half term, the children will be learning about ‘My house’ or ‘Mi Casa’ in Spanish. They will explore objects found in the home and create simple sentences to talk about rooms in their home.

RE this half-term, we will be exploring acts of worship across different faiths. They will explore what worship is and find out the similarities and differences across different faiths.

Dates for your diary

Week beginning 10th September: Mock SATs for Year 6

Important information

We have a child with a peanut allergy in school. We please request that peanuts are not put into your child’s packed lunch as the children will be eating in the same environment. Thank you.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075