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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 2nd November 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you had a wonderful half term, the children have enjoyed telling us about all their adventures.

This week we have been talking about bonfire/firework night. The children have been talking and writing about the colours and sounds of fireworks, and about how to stay safe. We have been very creative and written our own song and the children are looking forward to sharing it with you on Monday 5th November at 2.45pm in the school hall.

The new sounds for this week are: w, th, and z. In maths we have been exploring the number 6.

The children are enjoying their visits to the woodland area. We have been collecting sticks, looking at the different shapes and colours of leaves, and making our own leaf rubbings. If they haven’t already brought in welly boots this would be really helpful so we can continue to visit the woods in all weathers!

Next week we will continue to talk about celebrations, especially the festival of Diwali. Please talk to your children about celebrations that they have had with their families. If possible they could bring in a photograph of themselves with family or friends at a celebration, for their red books.

Thank you for your continued support.

Staff Update

Mrs Clague is returning to full health and her staged return to work is going well. She is now in Puffins and Penguins three days a week. This will increase every week, and we expect her to be full time before Christmas. Great to have you back Mrs Clague!

This links in timely with Mrs Yeo’s maternity leave which we expect to start at Christmas. So Mrs Clague will be able to teach Puffins for the rest of the school year.

Mrs Yeo has been feeling a little poorly this week and will be resting for next week. Mrs Clague will take the class for three days and Mrs Oliver will be in Puffins for two days.

Kind regards, Mr Ord

Home Learning

  • Activities that improve fine motor skills - Collect peas/sequins/something very small – pick them up one at a time in ‘pinchy’ fingers and put them in a tub, counting them as you go – games like ‘pick up sticks’/Kerplunk etc.
  • Number recognition – which numbers can you recognize to 20? Practise counting backwards from 20.
  • Draw a picture of your family and stick it in your red book.

Due to a child in Key Stage one having a kiwi allergy please do not send your child into school with kiwi or any product containing kiwi. Many thanks

Puffins Parents Evening:

We will rearrange new dates and let you know by email and newsletter.

Many thanks, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Bastin, and Mrs Clague

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075