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2018 Christmas Events

Thursday 13th December, Unit 4 Viking Outcome - Woodland Camp at 2pm

Friday 14th December, Christmas Fayre 3:15pm-5pm - Children can come to school that day in non uniform and please bring a prize for the tombola:

FS & KS1 - a decorated jar of sweets or a small gift

KS2 - a bottle (glass to be delivered to the office)

Monday 17th December, Key Stage 2 Carol Service at St Paul's Church - Service starts at 6pm

Monday 17th December, Key Stage 1 performance of 'A Miracle in Town' to parents in the school hall at 9:30am and 2pm

Tuesday 18th December, Foundation Stage Nativity to parents in the school hall at 9:30am and 2pm

Wednesday 19th December, Christmas lunch for children - order deadline via Feeding Hungry Minds  is 5th December 2018

Thursday 20th December, FOPPS Whole School Christmas Treat (surprise entertainer for the children)

Thursday 20th December, Unit 3 Roman Outcome at 2:45pm

Friday 21st December, last day of term. Christmas Jumper Day: children can come to school wearing a Christmas top/jumper with their uniform - there is no donation required for this.

Thursday 3rd January 2019, first day of Spring term.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075