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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 30th November 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been very busy with lots of exciting things happening. Firstly, we had a visit from Rod the lollipop man who told us all about his job and how important it is to keep us safe on the roads. We used this brilliant advice for when we walked to the local Post Office to post our handmade nativity invitations. The staff at the Post Office told us all about the journey our letter was about to take and they even gave us a huge post-bag and air-mail stickers for us to use in our role-play area at school. We hope the invites arrive in the post to you very soon!

In maths, we have been solving problems linked to the number 9. We have been partitioning this number and thinking about the different ways we can make it using two parts. We realised that there was only one way to show it on our fingers (4 and 5). We also discovered how it was one less than 10.

Next week we will be separating into our different groups for Read, Write, Inc. Some of us will be learning the Set One sounds again that we need a little extra practise with, and some of us will be moving onto Ditties, the first set of Read, Write, Inc books to take home.

Home Learning – Your children now have their Nativity lines and costume details in their home-school link book. Please can we ask that you help your child to learn their line as much as possible at home so that they feel extra confident in our Nativity play. Just over two weeks to go!

If you have been asked to provide a costume (animal characters only), please can these be sent into school in a named carrier bag by Monday 12th December at the very latest.

Allergy update: Please can packed lunches be free of peanuts and walnuts due to an allergy in school. Many thanks.

Many thanks, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Bastin and Mrs Clague

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075