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Unit 2 Spring 1 Newsletter

Learning Experience - Out of this World

Learning Experience – Literacy and Science

Our new learning experience is called Out of this World. The children will become authors of their own Space adventure stories, using the book ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers as their inspiration. Alongside this, they will enjoy a special visit from a planetarium experience at school and learn about our Solar System. The children will also find out about and produce group fact files about inspirational astronauts and scientists from recent history, for example Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.

Home Learning Choices (complete at least one task before Friday 1st February).

  • Research a space journey or moon landing and bring your project in to share with the class.
  • A poster about our Solar System or a particular planet.
  • A space quiz to test the rest of the class.
  • A space/solar system/rocket model.
  • Write a story about a space adventure to share with the class.

Other Home Learning:

Reading and book discussion – At least 4 times/week

Maths – Weekly ‘My Maths’ tasks, Sumdog maths games and Times Tables Rockstars.

Spelling – This term we will also be introducing some spelling activities to complete at home. More about this will follow shortly.

Other subjects

PE: Handball    Computing: Creating simple programs    RE: World Religions    Spanish: Numbers and Colours

We are really looking forward to our space Learning Experience. If you have any queries please feel free to come and chat to us after school.

Many Thanks

KS1 Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075