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Code Breakers

The Unit 3 outcome on Wednesday 13th February for ‘Code Breakers’ was a brilliant success. The children have really enjoyed being immersed in the world of Bletchley Park and the code breakers this half term, and have worked hard on creating wonderful outcomes for their parents and pupils from Year 6 to enjoy. Many of the children had made their own codes for our guests to crack, some of which proved very difficult! The children have worked incredibly hard producing their work which included a story and a set of instructions to teach people how to make codes. We have had some wonderfully creative home learning tasks as well. Well done to all of the children for working so hard and showing determination, independence and creativity. A big thank you to the parents in Unit 3 for continuing to support us – we received some wonderful feedback following our outcome: “Interesting! Amazing to see the children’s imagination!” “We really enjoyed this outcome and the interaction of having to solve the codes!”

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075