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Unit 2 Summer Term Newsletter

Once Upon a Story Time ...

Welcome back, we hope you all had a wonderful Easter time. We are looking forward to another busy and fun filled half term together.

Learning Experience – Literacy

One day there was a little child who sat in their class at school. The child loved listening to and telling stories and would often copy the stories that they loved. Soon that child was all grown up and decided to write a story of their own, they had become an Author. It was published and they even won a very important prize for writing! This is a very familiar story for most Authors that we know. If you love listening to and reading stories then you are going to love this learning experience!  Perhaps you will become an Author and write an award winning book when you are older. Take your inspiration from the stories you know and love. We will explore poetry and traditional tales, considering typical character types and settings. We will have the opportunity to read and write our own character and setting descriptions.

Home Learning Choices (complete at least one task before Friday 17th May).

  • Research a favourite writer and how they became an Author
  • Research how books are published
  • Re-write your favourite traditional tale and illustrate it
  • Make a wanted poster of your favourite story character
  • Make a puppet of a traditional character
  • Paint a detailed portrait/collage of a traditional character
  • Remake the setting of your favourite traditional tale e.g a castle
  • Carry out a survey into the most popular traditional tale and present your findings

Other Home Learning:

Reading and book discussion – At least 4 times per week

Maths – Weekly ‘My Maths’ tasks, Sumdog maths games and Times Tables Rockstars

Spelling – Continue to work through your spelling activity booklet

Other subjects

PE: Athletics   Music: Exploring music based around traditional tales

RE: Jewish Celebrations  Spanish: Food and Drink

* Can you please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school each week.

* It would also be most helpful if you could please order school dinners online via:

We have children with a peanut allergy in school. We kindly request that children do not bring peanut products into school.

Thank you.

If you have any queries please feel free to come and chat to us after school.

Many Thanks

KS1 Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075