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Unit 3 Summer Term Newsletter

Preston Farmers

Welcome back! We hope you have had a wonderful Easter break. Please find details of our intended learning experience for this half term.

Learning Experience Rationale

The children will be using mathematics (area, perimeter and measure) to design their own animal enclosures as part of a farm they are designing in teams. They will need to work well as part of a team to present their ideas, listen to the ideas of others and work together to present their outcome project. This Learning Experience is closely tied to understanding the job roles within animal care.

School value focus:  responsibility, team work and creativity.

Learning Experience Hook and Outcome

Unit 3 will be enjoying visits to the animal care centre at South Devon College. These visits will be on a class-by-class basis during the school day and children will return to school for normal pick up. Lunch may be earlier than usual and children will need to wear their school uniform. Once there, we will explore the site and learn from the professionals how best to care for livestock. We will understand the important role played by maths in caring for animals. For our outcome, the children will work in teams to produce a plan for a farm and these will be displayed at South Devon College. Further details will be provided on both the hook and the outcome.

Maths: During this half term, the children will develop their understanding of fractions. Children will build on their knowledge of half, quarter and the whole and develop their understanding of other fractions as well as how to order, add and subtract fractions. We are continuing to develop a mastery approach to our teaching, where the children are required to justify the reasoning for their answers. We will be continuing to develop the children’s ability to journal about their work. We ask that all children practise their times tables at home as often as possible.

Home Learning: All children will have weekly spellings to learn at home. Children will also need to use the online programs My Maths, Times Tables Rockstars and Read Theory to support their learning in school. Please see your child’s teacher if you require the log ins. Alongside this, please could the children:

  • Conduct some research into farming practices or farming animals and present this in a poster.
  • Research their chosen animal for their explanation text.
  • Children can also be supported to build their own model farm.

    Please could homework be in by week beginning 13th May 2019.

Literacy: The children will be writing an explanation text as part of their outcome. They will explain to the reader how best to care for their chosen animal and how to set up the perfect enclosure for them. There will be a focus on widening and developing the children’s vocabulary and building this into their written work. We will also focus on the techniques that are needed for an explanation text, including sub-headings, introductions and conclusions.

Reading at home: Please encourage children to read at home as much as possible. The children will return home with new library books once they have taken a quiz about the book they have read.  Over time, this will help improve their reading age and fluency as part of our Accelerated Reader program.


This term will see the children continuing to learn about animals including humans. Objectives covered will include:

  • identifying that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.
  • identifying that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Computing / Spanish / PE / RE:

We will begin to focus on drama in rotation starting with conveying emotions. Spanish lessons will be based on ordering food and drink in a café, and RE will be focusing on the lives of religious leaders and the positive examples they set. Athletics will be the PE activity for this half term.


We have children with a peanut allergy in school. We kindly request that children do not bring peanut products into school. Thank you.


Thank you,

Miss Pettitt, Miss Prior and Mr Kingdon

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075