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Unit 4 Summer Term Newsletter

Preston Athletes

Learning experience

Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the next 5 weeks: ‘Preston Athletes’

Before we share the details of this Learning Experience, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents that joined us in the planning stage of this. During this half term, children will be taking part in our new Learning Experience: Preston Athletes. The purpose of this Learning Experience is to help children explore what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. The Summer term is always a great opportunity for children to engage in outdoor sporting activities and we want to focus this half term on exploring Sport in the variety of forms it comes in. We hope, that from this Learning Experience the children from Unit 4 will find a sport or physical activity they enjoy and as a result understand what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. This half term will focus primarily on the exercise aspect of a healthy lifestyle with next half term exploring nutrition.


During this half term, the Year 6 children will be making their final preparations for SATs. As well as this, they will join the year 5s in continuing to explore decimals, percentages, properties of shapes and ratio. The children will be expected to use their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. The children will be challenged to become more fluent with their skills, which include multiplication tables and related division facts. There will be a particular focus on ensuring the children reason with their responses.


Throughout the five week learning experience, the children will be expected to write a set of instructions on how to take part in their preferred sporting activity. The children will be encouraged to read a range of quality texts as these experiences broaden their vocabulary and develop their awareness of more complex punctuation and sentence structures.

Home Learning

As part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we ask the children to keep a diary of their physical activity. This is for their own use and we ask them to share in school only if they wish to. We also encourage children to share any physical activity that they take part in outside of school as part of their healthy lifestyle. Weekly homework tasks are to be completed on Sumdog, TT Rockstars, MyMaths and Read Theory. In addition to this, spellings will be set weekly.

Our Value Focus: Creativity

Throughout all our work this half term, children will use and apply the value of Creativity, where a group of people create a fresh, new idea, and follow it through to completion.


During this half term, children will explore the human body. They will examine the circulatory system and how blood is sent around the body. They will then look at the vital role nutrition plays in keeping the body healthy and how they can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Throughout this Learning Experience, children will explore the impact of exercise. To do this, they will engage in a physical activity at the beginning of the half term and compare their performance at the end of the half term.

PE / Art / Spanish / RE

In PE, this half term, children will take part in track and field activities. These will range from javelin to long jump and children will compare their own performances throughout the half term.

In Spanish, this half term, the children will be learning how to talk about different sports. They will be learning to explain which sports they like, and which ones they do not like.

In Art, this half term, the children will explore portrait art and will create a self-portrait.

In Music, this half term, the children will be exploring percussion instruments and will create a piece of music in their groups, which they will perform to their peers.

Dates for your diary

13th - 16th May – Year 6 SATs Week

22nd - 24th May – Year 6 Residential

We have children with a peanut allergy in school. We kindly request that children do not bring peanut products into school. Thank you.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075