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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 10th May 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

Puffins and Penguins have been busy writing their Jack and the Beanstalk sentences, they have shown great independence and creativity. They have been trying hard to use tricky words in their writing, for example; the, my, to, go, said. These are sometimes called red words and they cannot be sounded out so need to be recognised.      

In Maths this week, we have been doubling and halving. Today we have been using sweets to explore doubling and halving. As you can imagine, it generated lots of highly motivated Mathematicians.

On Thursday and Friday afternoons, some of the older children have volunteered to be helpers in Puffins and Penguins. They have been reading stories together and helping to organise their play. This is a wonderful chance for our children to develop their social and communication skills. 

Swimming sessions for Puffins and Penguins will commence after half term and will be on a Friday morning. An e-mail has been sent out with more details. We ask every parent for a donation to help us run our beautiful but expensive pool. Please help us financially to operate our pool and we can then keep every child water safe. Please could you also write a little note in your child’s red home school link book about their current water confidence, if they usually wear a float/woggle, and their latest swimming certificate.

Home Learning

  • Bring a picture into school of when you were a baby/toddler or e-mail to by Wednesday 15th May. We will use these to talk and write about change.
  • In your child’s red home school link book you will find the following activities to complete
    • Red word practise sheet
    • Read and copy the sentences – trying hard to use the correct letter formation and finger spaces.
    • Pictures to write your own sentences
    • Handwriting sheets
  • Try doubling numbers or objects. Explain that double means two lots of the same or twice as much.
  • Try halving groups of objects. Explain that the whole is split into two equal parts. Each part is one half.

Many Thanks, Foundation Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075