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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 7th June 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful half term.

The children had an exciting surprise on Tuesday when we had a delivery of tiny caterpillars. Each caterpillar has its own home and we have talked about how important it is to look after them all. We will watch them each turn into a chrysalis and finally into a butterfly. We will then release them into the Woodland Camp. It will be wonderful to watch the awe and wonder of Mother Nature. We will be linking our learning to the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

During ‘Choosing Learning’, many children were very creative and showed great determination in building dens. They had to problem solve and work as a team. They then made rules for the den and labelled it.

We decided to postpone Puffins and Penguins swimming today due to the weather. We want their first experience of swimming in school to be positive. We will be swimming on Wednesday next week instead.

Please can you ensure that all PE kits are in school by Monday next week, as they will be needed for the sports festival. We are looking forward to our first sports trip to Paignton Community and Sports Academy.

Thank you to the parents who stopped for a coffee in my Parent Focus Group yesterday. It was great to hear how well this first year has progressed for your children. I will add the minutes to the website next week. Mr Ord.

Here is our latest school value in dinosaur form!

“I am the Determinator. I love challenges and I must finish the things I set out to achieve. I have to do my best in everything I do. I think about how to solve problems and stick at things even when they are really difficult. If things don’t work at first I keep on trying new ideas until I reach my goal.”


Our Unit newsletters are available on the Letters and Newsletters page of the school website.

You can also find newsletters on the School News tab on our website. This links with our school app ‘School News’ and is a great way to keep up to date with everything that is happening across the school.

Dates to remember – more details will be given closer to the time

Multi Skills Sports Festival on Thursday 13th June

Sports Day on Tuesday 2nd July

Multicultural Week is Wednesday 3rd July – Friday 5th July

Foundation End of Year Celebration on Tuesday 23rd July at 2.30pm

Home Learning Options

  • Read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Write a simple sentence about The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Research the life cycle of a butterfly and label a diagram
  • Talk about the different coins

Many Thanks, Foundation Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075