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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 4th October 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

To support our learning on friendship we have been exploring the story of The Little Red Hen. The children enjoyed learning actions to the story and joining in with repeated refrains (a line or group of lines that regularly repeat). We discussed the following questions. Should the animals have helped? Why or why not? Should you only help if you get something out of it? Is this the right thing? Do you think the hen should have shared the bread? We made a story map to help us remember and retell the story. We will continue this next week and will be writing some cvc words (words made up of a consonant, vowel, consonant sound) from the story; dog, cat, hen, pig. Please help your child to hear the sounds in these words c-a-t then write them in the red book using the correct letter formation.

In Read Write Inc, the children have been working very hard to learn all of the set one sounds. This week we learnt our first digraph (two letters making one sound) sh along with sounds e, l, h, r. Please encourage your child to complete the handwriting pages in the booklet and practise saying the sounds.

As part of RWI, the children are learning to orally blend sounds in cvc words. You can do this at home using pictures or real objects. Ask your child ‘Please could you get me the b-a-g’ and give your child chance to jump in and blend the sounds to make the word bag. Do this for simple words like hat, dog, bin, mug, leg.

In Maths, we continue to subitise (this is when you look at a group of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting) looking at different patterns. The children made their own subitising flashcards and talked about what they noticed. We have started to partition numbers using the part-part-whole model. For example; 4 is my whole and can be split into two parts 3/1 or 2/2.  

This week we took a group photo of the children who have consent and sent it to the Herald Express. The photo will appear in their pull out feature ‘First Class Photos’. They should be published in the paper over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out!

The children have enjoyed exploring the Mud Kitchen this week. They have been making mud pies and bread like the Little Red Hen.

In the woods, we talked about Autumn and what that means. We found some conkers and felt the spikey shells. We used the language hard, smooth, spikey, soft and rough. The children made Autumn crowns observing the different shaped leaves and all the Autumn colours. 

Next week is Parents Evening and we are looking forward to sharing your child’s learning. Responsibility for a child’s learning is a triangle of dialogue with parents, school and the child. If you have not made an appointment please book via the text message link or see a class teacher.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation Team

On Friday 11th October, it is the school disco and non-uniform day. Please bring in £1 for non-uniform and £2 for the disco in a named envelope to be handed to the class teacher. Please collect your child at the usual time of 3.15pm from the playground.

Cool Milk

If your child is aged 4 they are entitled to free milk but you need to apply for it via Cool Milk website Click on ‘Register your child for school milk’. If you do not register, your child will not receive milk at snack time. If your child is aged 5 and you would like them to have milk you will need to pay for it via the Cool Milk website. Once your child is registered, the milk is delivered directly to school. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask.

Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home:

  • Write your first name and surname trying to use the correct letter formation in your red book.
  • Play a turn taking game and talk about taking turns and having to wait. This may be a game you have at home or you could just take turns to run around the garden, or eat grapes together. We would love you to stick a photo in your red home school link book or please just write down how you get on.
  • What shapes can you find in the house? Can you name simple 2d and 3d shapes – what do they look like? How many sides do they have? Etc.
  • Go on a walk to the woods or in the park. Observe all the different coloured leaves, can you find any conkers? Bring in anything interesting to share with your friends.

Dates to remember – more information will be given nearer the time

Parents Evening – 8th and 9th October 3.30pm – 6:30pm

School Disco and non-uniform day – 11th October

Half Term 14th – 25th October

Return to school 28th October

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075