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Book Bus

Book Bus to visit Preston Primary!

We are very excited that a Book Bus from The Book People will be visiting Preston Primary on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November from 8:30am until 4:30pm.

You can buy books with your child before and after school both days. The Book People will provide the school with free books for our Library. The more books our families purchase, the more free books will be donated to school.

We do not want children bringing money into school, so please make your purchases with your child before or after the school day.

Each class will have an opportunity to visit the Book Bus in small groups during the school day so they are aware of the books which are on offer (Foundation Stage and Owl Classes on Monday, and Key Stage 2 and The Nest classes on Tuesday).

The Book Bus is a fantastic way for us to earn free books for our Library.

Our Pop-Up Cafe will be open after school on both days.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075