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Unit 3 Autumn 2 Newsletter

'Smooth Operators: What makes a good team?'

Learning Experience Rationale

The aim for this learning experience is to allow children to develop their teamwork. Their aim is to make a healthy drink to sell at the Christmas Fayre. They will experience what the real-life world of work is like by working in a mixed team with the aim to create an original fruit smoothie to sell. They must think of all areas of business over the half term, including design, creation, financing and marketing of their product. They will conduct market research and use their maths skills to analyse and draw conclusions from the data. They will then finalise their design and create their smoothies to sell in the Pop-Up Café. The three teams that make the most profit will then have the chance to sell again at the Christmas Fayre, where the final winner will be decided. Alongside this, the children will be looking at persuasive adverts and instructional writing during their literacy sessions, creating a concept board showing their business’ journey.

High-level vocabulary we will be exploring this half term. Please talk to your child about these words and their meanings.

Tier 1: fruit, food, drink, good for you.

Tier 2: healthy, balanced diet, research, advertise, energy, smoothie, design, dairy, fats, sugars, vitamin, minerals.

Tier 3: entrepreneur, nutrition, market, profit, carbohydrate, protein.

Learning Experience hook: The children will have a visit from a local Personal Trainer, who will challenge them to create a healthy drink that children will want to drink. They will be challenged to raise awareness of the health benefits of fruit smoothies, compared to other drinks.

Curriculum links: This learning experience builds on prior knowledge and skill learned in previous learning experiences, and will prepare them for their future learning:

Foundation: Friendship and Harvest. Unit 2: Good Life. Unit 4: Dragons’ Den / Preston is a Chocolate Factory.

Science – States of Matter children will be taught to compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C). In addition, they will be able to identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with varying temperatures.

Literacy – Children will be learning about persuasive writing and instructions over this 8-week half term. For both text types, they will be looking at features of high-level model texts, working in groups to plan and improve their ideas, and presenting their learning on concept boards ready for display at the end of term.

Maths - During this half term, the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction. They will be using resources to help their conceptual understanding of the process of addition and subtraction. We are continuing to develop a mastery approach to our teaching, where the children are required to justify the reasoning for their answers. We will also be developing the children’s ability to write about their understanding of what they notice, we call this journaling. We ask that all children practice their times tables at home as often as possible.

Home Learning: For their home learning this half term, we ask that you help children design and make a healthy meal at home. This can involve planning the meal, looking at recipes, going shopping to buy the ingredients, prepping and cooking the meal (under supervision), and sharing it at home. Children can bring in photos of the whole experience, and should be prepared to talk about it to the class during class assembly time.

In addition, there will be weekly spelling and maths tasks on Spellingshed and Mathshed.

PE days:  Swifts – Tuesdays / Wednesdays (alternate weeks), Sparrows – Thursdays (every week) , Starlings – Tuesdays / Fridays (alternate weeks).

Dates for the Diary (further information to follow):

Monday 11th November at 3:30pm – Year 4 parent meeting for residential.

Friday 13th December – Christmas Fayre – parents invited to view children’s outcomes in classrooms.

Monday 16th December at 6pm - KS2 carol concert in St Paul's Church.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075