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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 6th December 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

Puffins and Penguins went on their first school trip to The Theatre Royal in Plymouth to watch The Elves and the Shoemaker. Our day started with a fun coach journey. The children passed the time by singing songs and talking about all the things they could see out of the window. The performance was funny and engaging, many of the children were jumping out of their seats with excitement. The Shoemaker made many different pairs of shoes; bread shoes, happy shoes, dancing shoes and Christmas shoes. The Elves were very funny and kept popping out of the cupboards and sink. The trip promoted lots of language, sparked imaginations and promoted storytelling. It was a wonderful treat for the children, they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves, thank you for your support. If you would to watch a short clip of the performance we have attached the link

We have been invited to a local Preschool, Preston Community Preschool, to watch their nativity on Tuesday 10th December. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to show support to the local community. For children who previously attended Preston Community Preschool it will nice for them to see their old nursery teachers. It will also be great preparation for our own nativity performance. We will visit in the morning and be back in time for lunch. A letter and text message have been sent out with more details.

On Wednesday, we will be taking some of the Puffins and Penguins to the local Residential Home, Cornerways, to sing our nativity songs to the residents. We have been talking about acts of kindness in class and we all thought it would be lovely to spread the Christmas cheer in the community. You will receive a text message if your child is attending this trip. Unfortunately, the residential home is unable to accommodate all 45 of us but there will be other opportunities.

It is important that all children have the opportunity witness the great things others are achieving and experiencing across the year groups. Thank you to everyone who supported the Year 3/4 smoothie venture at the Pop-Up Café, it was a great success. On Monday 9th December at 3.15pm, Year 6 children are holding a cake and craft sale in the school hall as part of their Civic Award. The children will be selling produce to raise money for their chosen charities. The children have worked very hard planning and organising the event and would appreciate the support of the whole school.

On Friday 13th December (3.15pm – 5.00pm) it is the Christmas Fayre. Your child can come to school that day in non-uniform, please bring a prize for the tombola - a decorated jar of sweets or small gift. We will be making magic reindeer food to sell at the Christmas Fayre, we look forward to seeing you there.

If you are providing a nativity costume please could they be in school by Monday 9th December. Your child’s line for the nativity is in their red home school link book for them to practise.  

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation Team

Dates to remember – more information will be given nearer the time

Every Friday – The Pop Up Café is open

Monday 9th December – Civic Award Bake Sale in the hall

Tuesday 10th December – Trip to Preston Community Preschool

Wednesday 11th December – Trip to Cornerways Residential Home

Friday 13th December – Friends of Preston Primary Christmas Fayre 3.15pm – 5.00pm

Tuesday 17th December – Foundation Nativity 9.30am or 2.00pm

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch

Thursday 19th December – Friends of Preston Primary whole school Christmas treat (a surprise entertainer)

Friday 20th December – Last day of term and Christmas Jumper day – Children can come to school wearing a Christmas top/jumper with their uniform – no donation required.

Over the next fortnight we are having new carpets fitted. Puffins and Penguins will be using different areas of the school. We are letting you know in case your child talks to you about it.

Home Learning Options:

  • Next week the children’s progress in Read, Write, Inc will be assessed and groups will be updated accordingly for the new term. Continue to practise saying your sounds at home.
  • Practise your nativity songs and words
  • Talk to your grown up about the trip to the theatre
  • Draw a picture of your favourite part of the show and ask your grown up to write in the speech bubble stuck in your red home school link book.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075