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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 7th February 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Puffins and Penguins have continued their learning about people who help them in the community. This week volunteer workers from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) visited the children and shared their knowledge and experiences. We also had a visit from Sally an Oral Health Educator who talked about the importance of brushing our teeth.

Visitors from the community

Thank you to the three volunteers from the RNLI who visited foundation this week. They talked about beach safety and the importance of swimming in between the flags, and what to do if you see someone in trouble in the water. They challenged the children to learn how to float like a starfish in case they ever fall in the water unexpectedly. They talked about the role of the coastguard and of a lifeguard. The children were fascinated by all the information, linking to our school aim to be a good citizen.

Sally from the Brush Bus scheme watched us brush our teeth and she was very impressed with our technique. She talked to the children about the importance of brushing their teeth in the morning and before bed. She was very impressed by their knowledge and she introduced the word fluoride. Sally talked about the role of the dentist and a dental nurse, inspiring the children to think about jobs for the future. Sally has given each child a goody bag to take home.

We would like to hear about what your children are sharing with you regarding the recent visitors we have had in school. What have they enjoyed and what new knowledge have they remembered? Please could you fill in the speech bubble in your child’s red home learning book.

Woodland Camp

The children had a very exciting time in the woods this week. They were using hand drills (supervised by an adult) to make holes. They understood the need to be safe and demonstrated great responsibility.

Story Telling Event

We are excited to invite you to a special story telling event on Tuesday 25th February (2-3pm) with a special guest. Malou Evans is a local storyteller who runs workshops for children. She will retell a variety of tales to engage and immerse the children and yourselves into the stories. We look forward to sharing this wonderful experience with you.

Lego Discovery

We are very excited to announce that after half term we will be starting the Lego Discovery programme and this seasons theme is ‘Boomtown Build’. The programme develops Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) skills in young children. They will learn about how structures are built and explore some of the problems of designing buildings for different purposes. The children will work in small groups and have the opportunity to think and behave like architects and engineers. They will develop their ability to observe, question and gather information. Lego Discovery supports the aims of our school; An innovative values-based curriculum that develops the character of children. Working in small groups enables children to rehearse key life skills including working with others, listening, sharing ideas and following instructions.

We would like to invite you in to school on Thursday 5th March at 2.45pm to find out more about the programme and how it can be supported at home.


In Maths, we are exploring ‘double’ and have been using numicon and mirrors, and creating butterfly prints. We have been challenging children to notice doubles in the environment and to recognise when it is not a double. They have really enjoyed sharing their knowledge, we hope they share it with you at home.


School Disco Thursday 13th February. Come in non-uniform and please bring £3 for our school PTA (FOPPS)

School finishes for half term on Thursday 13th February and reopens on Monday 25th February.

Home Learning

  • Find out something interesting about Chinese New Year to share with your friends next week.
  • Explore doubling. i.e Can you represent double 4 using objets?
  • Share a story with a someone
  • Talk to your grown up about our recent visitors form the community

Dates to remember

Non-pupil day - Friday 14th February

Return to school Monday 24th February

Story Telling Event – Tuesday 25th February 2pm-3pm

Lego Discovery Workshop – Thursday 5th March 2.45pm

From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075