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Whole School Newsletter

Whole School Summer 1 Newsletter 2020

Seesaw Home Learning

A big thank you to all children and families that have engaged with our online learning platform, Seesaw. We now have some great activities on Seesaw, and some excellent work from children. It is great to be able to see children’s work and celebrate their successes. We can even hear their explanations and their reading. So far, we have 79% of children engaged with Seesaw. If you need us to send you a new login, ask our team at Keep working hard everyone because we love seeing and hearing your work! Well done to all my teaching team for setting up Home Learning on Seesaw so quickly.

You can use the same email to ask the team any questions. We are not manning the phone lines but the office team are on email every day. Stay safe and hopefully see you all soon. Kind regards, Mr Ord.

School Contacts:

British Values

Please discuss at home The Rule of Law. We are free to make our own choices but we must stay within the rules, to keep everyone safe.

Message from Puffins and Penguins

We would like to say how wonderful it has been engaging with you all on Seesaw. Seeing your work and hearing your voices has been uplifting and inspiring. Keep up all the hard work you are doing at home. Share lots of books, play lots of games and remember to demonstrate your school values every day by helping your grown- ups. Hopefully, see you  all soon. From all the Puffins and Penguins adults.

Message from the Owl Classes

Hello Owls!

We hope you are all feeling ok and having a nice time with your families. We can’t wait to hear all about the books you have read and the things you have been learning about. Remember to use your school values every day at home- especially when you do your learning on Seesaw and when you help your grown- ups! We are thinking of you all and hope you stay happy and healthy.

From all the Unit 2 adults.

Message from Starlings, Swifts and Sparrows

Hello everyone! We are so excited to see how many of you have been posting items regularly to Seesaw. We absolutely love seeing all the extra projects and crafts some of you have shared with us too!

Keep smiling, listen and be good, and most importantly, stay safe! From all the Unit 3 adults.

Message from Eagles, Hawks and Kestrels

­Hello Unit 4! We’re so proud of you all and all of the hard work you have been completing on Seesaw these past few weeks. It’s been fantastic to hear from everyone and know that you are all working on Seesaw, reading regularly, exploring your own learning areas of interest, applying our school and British values to home life and staying safe for this period of time whilst we are away from school. Stay safe everyone and we can’t wait to see you all again soon! From the Unit 4 Team.

Message from our chickens

We miss you all. Egg-cellent work on Seesaw!

Message from our rabbits

We are seven weeks old now and we run around all the time. We are off to the vets on Wednesday to find out if we are boys or girls. We are looking forward to meeting you all soon.                                     

School Value for this half term

Creativity is when a group of people work together to create something new. Have you worked with others to create something new? What was it? What were the challenges? Did everyone try hard? How did it feel  when you finished and created something new?

Let your teacher know on Seesaw.

School for Key Workers’ children

We have remained open every weekday for a small group of children, so their Key Worker parents can carry on going to work. And we will continue to. Thank you to all my staff for taking turns to be on that skeleton staff in school.

Important work!

Staying Safe at Home 

Is having to spend more time at home because of the current crisis causing you anxiety or distress?  This could be for any number of reasons.  One might be because spending lots of time together just creates extra tension within families, but it will have more impact on you and your children if this extra tension is caused by domestic abuse at home.  You might think that domestic abuse is something that happens to other people, but if someone is controlling your mind or finances, hurting your body, or threatening to hurt the people you love then that is domestic abuse. 

Services are still available to offer advice, help and support during the current situation and you can access a 24/7 webchat facility with Victim Support via the Victim Care Unit website  If you, or someone you know, is living with domestic abuse it is not OK.  Always contact the police on 999 if you believe you are in immediate danger.  We also signpost you to for support. If anyone needs a safe place and phone to make such a call, school is safe for you, just come in.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075