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Plans for September Reopening

Dear Parents,

We finally have agreement and guidance from Government to fully reopen in September. We will use “bubbles” to keep children safe and to minimise children’s movement around school. We will also minimise staff movement between bubbles. There will be a focus on hand washing and increased cleaning. We will avoid big gatherings such as assemblies, and we will unfortunately not be allowed to invite parents into school for the foreseeable future. We will follow all advice from Government and Public Health England.

So all children will return to school full time on Thursday 3rd September, and the staff are delighted to be able to welcome everyone back.

This message contains information to make that transition as smooth as possible.

Miss Wakeham is leaving us to begin her teacher training, and we wish her well. Mrs Yeo is leaving Devon to move back to her hometown and be closer to family. Thank you for your six years at Preston Mrs Yeo. Mrs Winter is going to be an additional teacher here at Preston, teaching groups of children from Year 5 and 6 to help accelerate their learning. Following completion of her teacher training, Miss Farmer joins our teaching team. Welcome Miss Farmer. Below is the staffing plan:


Unit 1 - Foundation Stage – Start 9am, Finish 3pm

Puffins – Mrs Clague

Penguins – Mrs Bastin (Unit Leader)


Unit 2 – Year 1 and 2 – Start 8:50pm, Finish 3:15pm

Tawny Owls – Miss Pettitt (Unit Leader)

Little Owls – Mrs Braddon

Snowy Owls – Mrs Blatchford


Unit 3 – Year 3 and 4 – Start 8:50am, Finish 3:15pm

Swifts – Mrs Stevenson (Unit Leader)

Sparrows – Miss Rushworth

Starlings – Miss Farmer


Unit 4 – Year 5 and 6 – Start 8:40am, Finish 3pm

Hawks – Miss Cornish

Eagles – Mr Mealy (Unit Leader)

Kestrels – Miss Treleaven

Additional Teacher – Mrs Winter


You will see above that we have attempted a staggered start and finish to the school day, so we can try to avoid large groups on the school drive. Please support us by not gathering on the drive or near the school gate, and only one parent per family. No parents will be allowed inside school, and communication with the school office will continue to be via telephone and email.

Teachers will telephone all the families of children in their new class, over the next few days, to introduce themselves. In these challenging times, communication is important and we want to be able to answer all your questions. If your child is currently coming into school, we will show them their new class and they will meet their new teacher.

Our intention is to fully open up our Breakfast Club and After School Club from 3rd September. This wrap around childcare will operate within Government guidance. The booking system will be up and running by Tuesday 14th July. Any questions on this childcare, call our office on 01803 607075 or email

Well done for all the energy and effort you have put into making education on Seesaw a success for many of our pupils. From Monday 13th July, you will see two classes on your child’s Seesaw. One will be their current class, and another their new class. Each teacher will place a welcome video on their new class site on Seesaw on Monday 13th July. Please watch the video and if you post a comment, you will be able to see who else is in that class. We will then archive the old classes from Monday 20th July. Finally on Seesaw, every teacher will share with you before the end of term, an overview of what we will be learning in September. We believe this will enable you to support your child over the Summer, to springboard their September learning.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Stay safe.

Mr Ord

Head of School

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075