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School Update and Information for September

Dear Parents,

As we reach the end of the Summer Term, the staff want to wish you all well and say how much we are looking forward to welcoming you all back on the Thursday 3rd September. We all want to get back to “normal” because when our school is full, it is an exciting, vibrant place to be. We have missed the children who have not been here. Roll on September!

Curriculum Support

We are determined to make each school day engaging for your children, and the curriculum has been designed to meet their needs. We realise that there will be some issues around children getting used to busy school life again, and our caring team will be patient and supportive. We also realise that children might have gaps in their academic understanding. Therefore our focus for the first few weeks will be to assess those gaps and then plan support and interventions to help all pupils meet their potential. To aid these endeavours, we have recruited and expanded the teaching team. We have also used these past few weeks to train and retrain our staff on how to assess and support children’s learning, and their social and emotional needs. We have planned out our largest ever programme of support for pupils. These interventions are important, but we all know they must be matched with time to be with your friends, play, laugh and enjoy school life again.  Please check Seesaw for some Summer learning.

Keeping everyone safe

We have a staggered start and end of the day, to help us avoid any crowds gathering on the school drive. Please try to stick to the times (see below). All children will start the day by walking through their playground and straight into class. The end of the day will be slightly different, to avoid crowds and keep us all safe. Unit 1 and 2 (Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2) – As soon as we see you come onto the playground, an adult will send your child out of the classroom external door. Please then leave the school site as soon as possible and avoid gathering in groups. Unit 3 and 4 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) -  We will release children as normal but can you please email us if you are happy for your child to walk home alone. This should help to keep numbers on the drive down a little.



Start time

Finish time


9:00 am

3:00 pm


8:50 am

3:15 pm


8:50 am

3:15 pm



3:00 pm


Attached are the September Newsletters for Units 2, 3 and 4. Unit 1 will receive their Newsletters in September. These will give you a feel of our Autumn Curriculum and we thought you would like to see them all to have the big picture. Please discuss the new Learning Experiences with your child and start to learn the vocabulary linked to the Learning Experience.

Exciting News!

We are launching a whole school Digital Curriculum. We have invested in iPads and TVs for all classrooms. Every member of staff is trained as an Apple Certified Teacher and every class will have the technology and training to deliver our aims:

  • Children work within a blended curriculum to enhance digital skills.
  • Children work using a cloud-based learning environment.
  • E-safety is embedded in daily learning.
  • Children are given opportunities to use emerging technologies.


To keep the “Bubbles” separate, all children from Year 1 upwards who have packed lunch, will eat in their classroom. Hot School Meals will be served in the Hall as normal, with separate tables for each “Bubble”. You can however order a Packed Lunch option from Aspens that will be delivered to the classroom.


PE Kit:

• Plain white t-shirt/polo shirt

• Navy blue shorts or skirt

• Plimsolls/Trainers

• A PE bag

Please send your child into school in PE kit one day a week (see below). This will mean we will not have to use changing rooms, which will help to protect the “Bubbles”. It will also mean that we will have more time for more sport. If you walk to school then on colder mornings you may want to wear navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms over your shorts

Foundation Stage, this does not apply to you. Please bring in your PE kit in a bag, as this is an important part of your personal development.



Day to come in PE Kit

Tawny Owls


Snowy Owls


Little Owls















Can we please ask that children do not bring rucksacks, bags, or pencil cases into school. Children will just need a coat or jacket, packed lunch box, and a refillable water bottle. Children in Foundation and Owl classes will also need a book bag.

Any messages for class teachers can be phoned or emailed to the office, or sent directly through Seesaw.

Enjoy your Summer, stay safe and we will see you on 3rd September.

Kind regards

Mr Ord

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075