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Unit 4 Autumn 1 Newsletter

'How does my body function?'

Learning Experience Rationale

Our bodies are extraordinary but how do they function? Why do they change as we get older? In this learning experience, we will be exploring the human body, what keeps us alive and how our choices keep us healthy.

Children will build on their previous learning where they learnt about the human body and its skeleton. In this Learning Experience, children will explore these in more detail, how the organs function, and how their lifestyle choices can impact on their overall health. Children will also explore other living things, their life cycles and how they might be classified.

Learning Experience Hook and Outcome

Hook – X-Ray video (An exploration of the human body).

Outcome – A journalistic report inside the human body.


Here is a range of vocabulary we will be using this half term, from the everyday words that link to the Learning Experience, to the more subject specific terminology:

Tier 2: blood, insects, life cycle, vertebrate, invertebrate, damage, impact, diet, exercise 

Tier 3: gestation, muscular, capillaries, arteries, veins, chamber, sexual/asexual 

British Value

This half term, in our Class Assemblies, we are learning about the British Value of Individual Liberty.      

In Assemblies we are learning why Respect is important.


This half term, we will be focusing on exploring the children’s starting points for this academic year. To do this, we will begin by developing their knowledge and understanding of number and place value through the mastery approach. Children will be supported when applying their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. They will also explore multiplication tables and related division facts.


During this half-term, we will be writing short scene-setting narratives. Children will explore examples of how authors use their senses to bring settings to life and how they are used to impact on the mood of the writing. This skill will then be applied to their outcome, where children will create a scene within the human body, using green screen technologies.

Wider Curriculum

Science – Animals Including Humans/Living things and their habitats

Computing – Understanding Individual Technologies

RE – What is Humanism?

PE – Sports Hall Athletics (Thursday – Eagles and Kestrels, Tuesday – Hawks)

Reading at Home

Pig Heart Boy – Malorie Blackman

Wolf Brother – Michelle Paver

Music, art, poetry and film as part of this Learning Experience

In Music, we’ll be exploring the song Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. This is within our new music scheme, Charanga.

A useful link for learning at home:

Dates to remember

Monday 7th September – Share home learning from the Summer break in class.

Wednesday 23rd September – Individual School Photos.

Monday 19th October – Home learning task to be shared in class.

Wednesday 21st October – Outcome videos to be shared on the school website

Home Learning

A creative piece of homework with the subject of the Human Body. This could be:

  • Fun fact file about the human body
  • A presentation
  • A model


Welcome back everyone and we’re happy to see you!

We have an exciting year ahead of us and we cannot wait to get back into class and begin learning and working together!

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075