Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter
Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 9th October 2020
This week we have been reading the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’ by Pat Hutchins. We initially read the story to the children without letting them see the pictures. We then talked about the joy of illustrations and how important they are to the story, particularly in this story as there is no mention of the fox in the text. The children predicted what was going to happen next and we explored preposition vocabulary, across, around, over, past, through and under.
In PE this week we re-enacted the story using obstacles in the playground. The children enjoyed being creative and travelling across, around, over, past, through and under. We discussed how we thought the story would change if Rosie turned around and saw the fox!
We will assign the story on Seesaw for you to enjoy with your child at home.
Read Write Inc
In Read Write Inc (RWI) this week, the children learnt the sounds r, j, v, y, x. Links to the RWI speed sound videos will be assigned on Seesaw. Thank you for sending us photos and videos (via Seesaw) of your child practising at home. It is wonderful to see them so excited about reading. They have been working really hard, it has been great to see them using their sounds independently during play. They have been labelling their work and recognising sounds in the environment.
Next week, we will be assigning a presentation on Seesaw on the importance of phonics. This will give you an insight into how we teach phonics in school and how you can support your child at home.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be assessing the children in Read Write Inc and regrouping them ready for after half term. Your child will work with children who are at the same reading level. Currently, some children are learning to orally blend sounds to make words and others are now blending independently to read words. Your child will have one-to-one support if we think he or she needs some extra help. We will communicate with you after half term regarding your child’s new RWI group.
Woodland Camp
This week the weather has been a little wet and windy but this has not stopped us enjoying the Woodland Camp. The children love exploring the woods, it is so exciting. One of our priorities this year is to innovate how we teach our school values: Determination, Teamwork and Independence using our Woodland Camp. This week the children were challenged to make faces using natural objects. They had the choice to work on their own or as a group. We supported them with some ideas but we were very impressed with their creativity. Some children made animal faces with twig whiskers and there were lots of happy faces with unique hair made from a variety of leaves. They showed great determination as the wind kept blowing their creations but they did not give up. We witnessed some wonderful teamwork, sharing ideas and helping one another. We wanted to share some of their wonderful creations.
This week we continued our understanding of 5.
We also looked at images of 5 (dots on a dice, a hand and a Numicon plate) and talked about ‘What is the same?’ and ‘What is different?’ We knew that they were all showing the ‘whole’ as 5, but we dug deeper and also noticed that each of the images showed a 4 part and a 1 part.
We introduced the part, part, whole model (or cherry model) and showed how we placed all 5 objects in the ‘whole’ circle and that we could slide the objects to ‘partition’ them into two different parts, ie 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 5 and 0.
We showed what this would look like in a five frame and by also drawing a written representation of it to build the children’s knowledge links between different methods.
There will be more information on all of these methods in our Maths presentation which will be available next week.
- For the children who have consent, a class photo will be printed in the Herald Express on Wednesday 21st October. It will appear in the supplement known as ‘First Class’.
- The last day of term is Friday 23rd October and school returns on Monday 9th November.
Home Learning options
- Complete the handwriting booklet for this week’s sounds: r, j, v, y, x.
- Watch the RWI speed sound lessons on Seesaw.
- Listen to the story Rosie’s Walk on Seesaw. Can you recreate one of the prepositions in the story by finding your own obstacle at home. For example, you could go under the table or through the doorway.
- Find a rhyming storybook and read it with a grown up. Can you hear the rhyming words? Are you able to think of other words that rhyme?
- Practise counting forwards 0-10 then backwards 10 – 0. If you are able to confidently do both of those then try counting forwards and backwards to 20.
Upload photos on to your Seesaw journal and then you could use the microphone button to record your voice telling us about your work.
From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague, and the Foundation Stage Team