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Parent Teacher Meetings

Dear Parents,

At this time of year, we would normally be inviting you into school for a Parent Teacher Meeting. However, our Covid Risk Assessment does not allow for visitors into school. Therefore, we propose to use Zoom for individual video calls with Parents. The meetings will mostly be within the first fortnight back after half term - November 9th to 20th. There are a couple of exceptions to those dates: Mr Mealy is expecting his first baby, so to enable him to take some Paternity Leave, his meetings will start from November 23rd.  In addition, Miss Treleaven has just been called for Jury Service, so we will try to accommodate her meetings in the week beginning November 9th.

Today, you will receive a link, via text and email, to our Parent Teacher Meeting System.  You will receive one message for each child. Please click on the link in the message, and then enter your child’s first name, confirm, and then choose your appointment slot.  You will need to repeat this for each child. The booking will close at 12 noon on Tuesday 20th October.  By the end of next week, you will receive by email, a Zoom meeting link for each child. We will also include some instructions on how to download Zoom and how to join a meeting.

To reassure you, we have already conducted Zoom meetings with 45 families prior to their children starting in Puffins and Penguins. So we know it can work, to help us communicate with you in these challenging times. Zoom is free and will work on any device with a camera and microphone, including your smartphone.

If there are issues with this meeting proposal, teachers can give you a telephone call instead.

These meetings will inform you of how your child has settled in, which areas of the curriculum they need to focus on, and how you can support that at home.

In the Spring Term, we want to try a new style of Parent Teacher meeting. We want to trial Child-led meetings. We envisage your child being with the teacher and your child leading the video meeting. We want to tutor your children to be able to present and tell you what they are great at, and want they want to try harder with. Something to look forward to…

Thank you in advance for your patience and support.

Kind regards,

Mr Ord and the Preston Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075