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Home Learning

Microsoft Teams

Dear Parents,

Thank you to you all, for your wonderful involvement in Home Learning since April. Here is an update on our approach to Home Learning.

At the start of Lockdown we needed to set up a way to help your children learn at home…an online learning platform. And we needed to do it very quickly. So we used Seesaw. Seesaw was an App that we had just started using in school. Seesaw is meant for use in school to help promote collaboration in the classroom. Our classrooms now have multiple big TVs and lots of iPads. Seesaw is part of our IT strategy because of what it can achieve in the classroom. Children being able to see each other’s work, share their work from the iPad to the TVs etc. “Why do you think I have pulled Billy’s work from his iPad up onto the TV? Tell your partner? How is Billy’s better than the example on the other TV? Discuss with your group what you would improve.”

Seesaw is not designed to work at home, we just made it work as a temporary fix in Lockdown. As we now use it in school and at home, it is starting to fall down. So our plan is to continue to use Seesaw in class, as it is designed to be used. We intend to start to use Microsoft Teams to set work for at home, and to receive your child’s work back. Teams is often used at Secondary School and in the work place. If our children can navigate Teams they will have an advantage. We will send you a username and password soon. We will also start to put Homework on Teams. We will do a few classes at a time, and follow it up with a piece of homework. We will start with the older children. Year 5 / 6 pupils will bring home their login details today. Year 3 / 4 pupils will be next week. We have included some instructions (attached).

Foundation Stage, the Nest, and Year 1 and 2 will move to Teams later in the year, as they are not having as many issues with Seesaw.

Below is a YouTube link that is a bit American but gives you a feel for Teams, if you have not used it before.

I apologise if this is something new to get used to, but the issues with Seesaw meant we had to act. So, lets give your children the skills to have an advantage in the future.

Kind regards

Mr Scott Ord

Head of School

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075