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World Book Day

Today, we have celebrated World Book Day. Children across the whole school have read the book ‘After the Fall, How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again’ by Dan Santat. The book has themes of determination, perseverance, courage, and resilience.

At Preston, we strive to embed and promote a love of reading. The children have had a wonderful day with lots of exciting activities, and many rich discussions about which books they love and why. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, and developing a love of books and reading inspires children to read for pleasure.

This year, book tokens are being sent out digitally. Please see the link below:

booktoken_PrimaryUK.pdf (

We would love to share how World Book Day has been celebrated across the school:


Puffins and Penguins enjoyed finding out what happened to Humpty Dumpty after the fall! “Wow! I didn’t know they put him back together!” said Callum. The children used drama and made their own stick puppets to retell the story.

Here are some quotes about 'After the Fall' from the children in Foundation Stage:

“Humpty Dumpty used determination to get back on the wall.”

“He was so brave”

“He was scared of heights but he tried and tried again”

Unit 2

The children in Key Stage 1 had great fun with our game ‘The Masked Reader’ – their challenge was to be detectives and watch masked teachers reading a selection of children’s books. They then had to guess which teacher it was. It proved very tricky! The children enjoyed sharing books with their friends during paired reading time, and discussed their favourite things about reading stories during a class circle time. Key Stage 1 have read the book ‘After the Fall’ and created their own watercolour paintings using inspiration from the book, and have included our school values in the paintings.

Here are some quotes from the children in Unit 2:

“I loved masked reader. It was fun guessing who was who reading my favourite stories.”

“I read a book called ‘Codename: Bananas’ and it was so good.”

“I love reading books that have mysteries where you don’t know who has done something. It inspires me to keep reading.”

“I love the creativity that writers and authors use in books. ‘Matilda’ is a very creative book because I didn’t know if she had magical powers or not until the end.”

“Every night my mum reads me a story and I read one to her. It helps me to relax and I feel happy, safe and cuddly.”

“Me and mummy read a page each at the weekends and it makes me feel happy.”

“I like adventure stories because I want to go on adventures.”

Unit 3

In Unit 3, the children talked about how Humpty Dumpty showed the school values in the book 'After the Fall'. They talked about how, in this version, the King's Horses and Men used Teamwork to put him back together. Humpty showed creativity when he designed his bird-plane, Respect to the birds that he loved to watch, and most of all, Determination. Humpty was afraid of climbing back up the wall, but he was determined not to let his fears get in the way of something he really enjoyed.

After reading the book, Unit 3 have been thinking about a time when they overcame a fear and then they created comic strips to retell the story. The children then made puppets to retell the story and recorded it on the iPads. 

Here are some quotes about what the children in Unit 3 love about reading:

“Reading lets us use our imagination.”

“It helps us learn new words.”

“Reading calms me down.”

“It can inspire you.”

“It makes me laugh - they can be really funny.”

“It takes you to other worlds.”

Unit 4

In Unit 4, the children looked at the story ‘After the Fall’ and discussed how much determination Humpty Dumpty showed to face his fears and achieve his dreams. Unit 4 have also looked at fairy tales and have created an alternative ending to the story ‘Jack and Jill’. The children have created the alternative endings in groups and performed them using the design app, Adobe Spark.

Here are some quotes from the children in Unit 4:

“I love World Book Day because it encourages people to read books.”

“I like sharing and talking about books with other people as I might find my new favourite book.”

“It’s good to celebrate books as they deserve to be celebrated, they are a gateway to your imagination.”

“I like talking to people about their costumes as I learn about new books I can read.”

“I love reading because I get to go into worlds that I would never normally experience in my own life. Like Harry Potter, I can experience the life of a wizard.”

“I love reading because it has helped me learn so many new words.”

“Humpty Dumpty shows so much determination. He is so determined to get back on the wall even though he is terrified of heights from when he fell.”

“The story was about not ever giving up.”

“Humpty Dumpty shown creativity, when he created the paper aeroplane bird. It was a creative way to get back up high in the sky.”

“It takes lots of independence to face your fears.”

The Nest

Children in the Nest have enjoyed dressing up as characters from books. The children have also shared their favourite book, and made memorable bookmarks.

Here are some quotes from the children in the Nest:

“We enjoyed listening to the ‘After the Fall’ book.”

“It is good to share your book with your friends.”

“We like coming to school dressed up.”

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075