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Unit 4 Summer 1 Newsletter

Classes: Eagles, Hawks, and Kestrels

Learning Experience Rationale

In this Learning Experience, we are exploring the question, ‘Why do we have night and day?’ We will do this through our science lessons and at the end of this half term, the children of Unit 4 will present their understanding in an Adobe Spark video. See the Home Learning section below, for how you can support this learning with your child.

For Literacy this half term, we will be exploring two texts, ‘The Tear Thief’ and ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’. Both texts will serve as a model for our writing genres, which are: narrative writing, with a focus on using emotion and dialogue to move a story forward and non-fictional writing, with a focus on using commas to avoid ambiguity.

Learning Experience Hook and Outcome

Hook – Listen to and enjoy the Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy and Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss.

Outcome – A narrative piece of writing that uses emotion and dialogue.


Here is a range of vocabulary we will be exploring this half-term surrounding our ‘Why do we have night and day?’ learning experience.

Tier 2 – high level words: Earth, moon, sun, night, day, star, sunrise, sunset, seasons.

Tier 3 – subject specific words: rotation, axis, Solar System, orbit, hemisphere, equinox, eclipse, constellation.

School Value – Creativity

Working alone or with others to turn a great idea from your imagination, into something of value or beauty.


This half term, we will be continuing with multiplication before moving onto division. Children will be supported when applying their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. They will also explore multiplication tables and related division facts.

Reading at Home

Authors to look out for:

  • Neil Gaiman
  • Carol Ann Duffy
  • Malorie Blackman
  • Lynne Truss

Wider Curriculum:

Science – Why do we have night and day?

Computing – Coding

PE – Outdoor Athletics

Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education – Health and Wellbeing

Pastoral care:

We are aware that the children have experienced lots of changes recently. We will be working hard to support them emotionally during school reopening. Teaching staff will be visible at the beginning and end of the day if you would like to share any observations or queries with them. We will be planning lots of collaborative and exciting opportunities for children to help ease them back into the routines and expectations of school life. If you have any further questions or worries, please contact our pastoral team:

Home Learning:

Weekly Spelling Practice: Spellings are set every Friday on Spelling Shed.

Daily Reading: Please read for 15 minutes every day. Children can now quiz at home on Accelerated Reader.

Project: Research and create a presentation on: “Do other planets in our Solar System have night and day?” This home learning task will be posted on Microsoft Teams on Monday 19th April 2021. The children will be expected to hand in their home learning by 24th May 2021.


Allergies: We have a number of children with nut and kiwi allergies so please ensure these products are not brought into school.

Absence: Should your child be absent due to illness please call the absence line on 01803 607589 and leave a message with your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Alternatively, you can text this information to 07786208446. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea, they will need to be absent for 48 hours after the last episode of illness. For planned absences of any nature you will need to complete an absence request form, these are available on the school website.

Times of the school day: The school day begins for Unit 4 at 8:40am and finishes at 3:00pm.

Please remember to socially distance while on school premises and when leaving the site. Please wear a mask when on the school site. If you have messages for the office, please email them on

Thoughtful Parking: Please park thoughtfully with regard for our neighbours. We do not want grass verges torn up, and unsafe parking. We encourage as many of you as possible to walk to school. When Covid guidance allows, we ask you to consider car sharing. Together we can keep everyone safe and ensure a positive relationship with our school neighbours.

Dates to remember:

Monday 3rd May-Bank Holiday

Monday 31st May-Half Term begins

Monday 7th June-Non Pupil Day

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075