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It is so exciting that COVID guidance now allows swimming pools to be open. Our school pool and lessons are valued by pupils and parents alike, so it has been so sad that our pool has been closed for the last two years. Therefore, the plan is to open the pool after the May half term with all children receiving weekly lessons up until the October half term.

Preston Primary commits thousands of pounds every year to maintaining and heating the pool, updating equipment, training staff as swimming instructors and lifeguards, and your contributions are vital to ensure that we can continue to play our role in keeping all children water safe.

Each class will have the chance to swim at least once a week under the guidance of appropriately trained school staff. All children will be grouped to ensure that they receive the appropriate level of tuition for their needs.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will also have the chance to swim in a swimming gala against others in their class, in front of their parents, later in the term.

Class teachers will inform you of the day when their class will be swimming and the commencement date.  Please ensure that your child brings his/her swimming kit into school on the relevant day. Your child/ren will need:

  • One piece swimming costume for girls
  • Sensible swimming trunks/shorts for boys (not knee length)
  • Towel
  • Swimming hat for any child with hair that is collar length or longer to keep hair out of the eyes
  • Jelly shoes, crocs, plimsolls or flip flops
  • Goggles - Optional

Please note: We do not keep spare towels or costumes in school which means that children without the correct kit will not be able to swim – we will not be able to ring home for forgotten costumes or goggles.

We would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £12.00 per child, which will cover lessons for the whole of the swimming season, including sessions held in the Autumn term. At approximately twelve lessons, this is a cost of £1 per lesson.  Please pay the £12.00 using our School Money Website with a debit/credit card at by Wednesday 12th May 2021.

We will use the Medical and Consent details that have been completed to cover activities for this academic year.  However, if there have been any changes to your child’s medical needs since completion of this, please update accordingly. 

Thank you for your support in helping to keep our children safe and healthy.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075