Unit 4 Summer 2 Newsletter
'Why are we exploring space?'
Learning Experience Rationale:
In this Learning Experience, we are exploring the question, ‘Why are we exploring space?’ We will do this through our science lessons and at the end of this half term, the children of Unit 4 will present their understanding in an Adobe Spark video.
For Literacy this half term, we will be exploring the text ‘Women in Science: 50 fearless pioneers who changed the world’ and within this book, we will take an opportunity to explore women that are pioneers in space exploration. With this text, we will then explore writing in the style of the author and produce our own biographies of people that inspire us.
Learning Experience Hook and Outcome:
Hook – Listen to and enjoy ‘Women in Science’ by Rachel Ignotofsky.
Outcome – A biographical piece of writing written in the style of Rachel Ignotofsky.
Here is a range of vocabulary we will be exploring this half term surrounding our text in Literacy: ‘Women in Science’. Encourage your child to use the following words at home to build their vocabulary and understanding of the words:
Pioneer, courageous, inspirational, achievement, intrepid, fortitude, endurance, trailblazing, innovative.
This half term, the children will be exploring problem solving with the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Children will be supported when applying their prior understanding of mathematical concepts to assist them in solving a range of mathematical problems. They will also explore multiplication tables and related division facts.
Reading at Home:
Authors to look out for:
- Neil Gaiman
- Malorie Blackman
- Rachel Ignotofsky.
Wider Curriculum:
Science – Why are we exploring space?
Computing – Coding
PE – Swimming
PSHE – Changing me
Home Learning:
Weekly Spelling Practice: Spellings are set every Friday on Spelling Shed.
Daily Reading: Please read for 15 minutes every day. Children can now quiz at home on Accelerated Reader.
Project: Research and create a presentation on someone that inspires you. This will be used during our writing tasks this half term.
Homework will be set on Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 8th June 2021. The children will be expected to complete and submit their research on 21st June and then submit their completed presentation on 12th July.
Key Dates:
Swimming Lessons: every Tuesday, please bring swimming kits into school.
Home Learning Due: Monday 12th July
Swimming Gala: Tuesday 13th July (further information to follow)
Year 6 Residential: Tuesday 20th July – Wednesday 21st July 2021
Final Day of Term: Friday 23rd July
Swimming: We are looking forward to beginning swimming sessions again this half term. All three of the Unit 4 classes (Kestrels, Eagles and Hawks) will be swimming on Tuesday, this will replace our usual P.E slot. Please ensure that your child comes into school with their swimming kit on this day.
Sun cream: As the days become warmer and sunnier, please ensure that your child has applied sun cream before school. They may also wish to bring in a named bottle of sun cream into school so this can be reapplied.
Allergies: We have a number of children with nut and kiwi allergies so please ensure these products are not brought into school.
Absence: Should your child be absent due to illness please call the absence line on 01803 607589 and leave a message with your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Alternatively, you can text this information to 07786208446. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea, they will need to be absent for 48 hours after the last episode of illness. For planned absences of any nature, you will need to complete an absence request form, these are available on the school website or by email from the school office.
Times of the school day: The school day begins for Unit 4 at 8:40am and finishes at 3:00pm.