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Unit 2 Summer 2 Newsletter

'Can we become creative poets?'


The children will be writing their own poems in the style of Gervase Phinn. We are using his poetry anthology ‘What I like…’ to introduce the children to the art of poetry and inspire them to write their own short poems. They will take inspiration from the environment around them at school, listening carefully to the sounds of the school site and turning these ideas into poetry. The children will be performing these to their classmates and teachers. After this, the children will be immersed in the story of ‘Fatou, fetch the water’. They will practice acting the story out before creating their own story in the style of the author, Neil Griffiths.  The story is designed to be comical, and the children will enjoy being creative and sharing their stories with their friends.


The children will have written and performed their own poems. They will have written a comical story.


In Year 1 we are learning about money. The children will learn to recognise and understand the value of each coin and note and begin to calculate with amounts and solve problems based on adding and subtracting amounts of money. They will understand the concept of giving change.

In Year 2 we are going to be introducing the children to data handling including bar charts, tally charts and pictograms. The children will learn to gather their own data and present it in useful graphs. They will learn to read graphs and solve problems using this skill. We will also be re-capping key skills to prepare them for the Year 3 curriculum, including place value to 100 and the four operations (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication).

The children will use a wide variety of manipulatives to aid their learning and will continue to work on communication skills through working with a partner.


The children will be introduced to a range of vocabulary during our Learning Experience, ranging from simple everyday words (tier 1) to complex vocabulary that is context driven (tier 3).

Tier 1 and 2 words: exclude, include, timeline, inspire, respect, equal.

Tier 3 words: boycott, equality, civil rights, freedom, international achievement.

Pastoral care:

We will be continuing to plan lots of collaborative and exciting opportunities for children to help them thrive in the routines and expectations of school life. If you have any questions or worries about your child, please speak to their class teacher, or contact our pastoral team:

School Value focus:

We would love to see examples of determination from home! Please share photos on Teams of the things your children achieve outside of school needing a brilliant sense of determination.

Wider curriculum:

History: We will be learning about Rosa Parks and children will be able to answer the question ‘Why do we remember Rosa Parks?’ The children will begin to develop an understanding of how the world was different in the 1950s and why Rosa Parks is so widely celebrated. We will be linking to this our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education topic throughout the half term.

RE: We will be continuing to learn about Judaism and focusing on some important stories and rituals for Jewish people.

PSHE: We will be introducing mindfulness as a calming and relaxation technique.  We will be encouraging the children to think about what makes them special and unique, in readiness for the transition to the next year group.

PE: The children will be enjoying swimming lessons every Monday.

Reading at Home: Children will bring home two new Read Write Inc books weekly. Please encourage your child to read these aloud to you as often as is possible. These books are linked to sounds they have learnt, and they should read these independently. This will help your child to develop fluency and expression, which will enable them to become confident readers. Your child will also bring home a library book. Please share this with your child and enjoy time spent reading together.

Home Learning:

Please encourage and support your child to watch the Read Write Inc speed sounds videos that teachers have uploaded to Teams. There are activities set on Teams for your child to complete based upon the historical study of the life of Rosa Parks. We will continue to use Teams and Streams to communicate with families. Home learning will be set each half-term and Read Write Inc videos will be uploaded for children to watch on Streams. Please encourage your child to continue playing SumDog, TT Rockstars, and Spelling and Maths Shed to build fluency.

Dates to remember:

Friday 2nd July – Year 2 Sleepover (further details to be announced).

Friday 23rd July – Last day of term.


Allergies: We have a number of children with nut and kiwi allergies so please ensure these products are not brought into school.

Absence: Should your child be absent due to illness please call the absence line on 01803 607589 and leave a message with your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Alternatively, you can text this information to 07786208446. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhea, they will need to be absent for 48 hours after the last episode of illness. For planned absences of any nature you will need to complete an absence request form, these are available on the school website or by email from the office.

Times of the school day: The school day begins for us at 8:50am and finishes at 3:15pm.

Please remember to socially distance while on school premises and when leaving the site. If you have messages for the office, please email them on

SWIMMING: All Owls classes will be swimming on a Monday. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit in a bag and it is all clearly named. Your child must wear school uniform and change in school. Swimming replaces PE so it is not necessary for your child to wear PE kit to school anymore.

Please park thoughtfully with regard for our neighbours. We do not want grass verges torn up, and unsafe parking. We encourage as many of you as possible to walk to school. When Covid guidance allows, we ask you to consider car sharing. Together we can keep everyone safe and ensure a positive relationship with our school neighbours.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075