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Foundation Stage Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Newsletter, 18th June 2021


This week we introduced our new book ‘I Love Bugs’. This is a fun poem about a little boy who loves all different types of bugs. The poem describes the bugs but does not name them, so we had to use our detective skills to identify the bugs. We will be exploring this poem over the next few weeks; it has lots of lovely vocabulary.

To link with the poem, the children have been on a bug hunt this week in the Woodland Camp. They were fascinated by the different bugs and enjoyed sharing their findings with one another. They were respectful and made sure they did not remove the bugs from their habitat.


In Maths this week, we continued exploring weight and money. Also, children have been adding two small groups of objects and others have been exploring halving. We have set a home learning baking task to enable all the children to practise all the skills they have been learning this week.


This week in PE we have been practising our football skills and using the gym apparatus.

In football the children enjoyed passing, dribbling, and shooting. They have been inspired by the Euro Championships.

Some of the children have been climbing and balancing on the gym apparatus. They were very proud of their achievements and showed great determination to try new skills. We will continue this for the next few weeks.

Please ensure your child brings in their full PE kit ready for Monday.

Woodland Camp Classroom

We are excited that our new Woodland Camp Classroom has arrived. It will enable us to teach outside more often. It will bring a wealth of benefits as the children will have more opportunities to learn through play and collaboration.

Home Learning

Storytime – Mrs Bastin has recorded a lovely story for you to listen to on Seesaw, ‘Superworm’.

Maths – Get your aprons on and begin baking! Find a recipe and weigh out all the ingredients to make something delicious. You could bake some cakes, biscuits, cheese straws or scones. There are lots of maths opportunities in cooking - measuring, reading scales, counting, and recognising numbers as well as language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’.

Phonics and reading – Practise reading your phonic and reading books.

From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075