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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 5th November 2021

Theatre Trip - Stickman

Wow, what an amazing experience! Puffins and Penguins went on their first school trip to The Theatre Royal in Plymouth to watch Stickman. Our trip started with an exciting coach journey. The children passed the time by singing songs and talking about all the things they could see out of the window. The performance was fun and engaging, many of the children were jumping out of their seats with excitement. Stickman went on quite an adventure. We hope the children will share their favourite moments of the show. It was a wonderful treat for the children, they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you for your support. If you would like to watch a short clip of the performance, we have attached the link Theatre Royal Plymouth Stick Man

 We have recorded the story Stickman as this week’s story for pleasure on Seesaw.

In the woods this week we collected lots of sticks as we will be making our very own stick family next week.

In Read Write Inc (RWI) this week the children learnt the sounds j, v, y and w. Please practise writing these letters in your RWI handwriting booklet.

At the end of each half term, we assess every child’s RWI level. Puffins and Penguins have now been split into smaller RWI groups so they can focus on particular targets for reading. Every child’s reading journey is unique and we celebrate all their successes. We will share more information at your child’s parent pupil progress meeting next week.

If you have any questions about phonics, please do not hesitate to ask. We will continue to share information on your child’s phonic journey.


In Maths this week, we have been exploring the number 5 and looking for patterns and talking about what they notice. We have been helping the children to count up to 5, assigning one number name to each object and helping them understand that the number name assigned to the final object in a group is the total number of objects. We have been arranging five objects in different patterns to help the children begin to see the composition of the number 5 (for example number 5 can be made up of 2 and 3 or 4 and 1). We have been finding groups of 5 in our school environment, for example, 5 bricks, 5 pebbles. To support this at home please help your child count random objects up to 5. Position five objects in different patterns so your child can subitise and start to recognise the patterns of composition.

Ten Town – 5

The children were very excited to reveal number 5 from Ten Town. Fiona Five owns the Ten Town sports centre and helps everyone keep fit and healthy. She is a brilliant athlete who has five favourite sports: tennis, archery, swimming, wheelchair racing and basketball. She also eats five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fiona Five forms the number five when she stretches out her arms in her sports wheelchair. Fiona Five takes King One out training in the Ten Town park. She is faster than him and leads him around the park. That is why she is facing away from King One. Fiona Five’s rhyme to help write the number is ‘Down her back, round you go, Arms out straight, don’t be slow!’ Please support your child to use their password to log on to Ten Town and access the animated stories, songs and games for number 5.

Home Learning

  • Use your RWI booklet to practice this week’s sounds as detailed above.
  • Enjoy the story, Stickman on Seesaw.
  • Use Ten Town to explore number 5.
  • Reply to the Stickman activity on Seesaw telling us about your favourite memories from your first school trip to the theatre.
  • Enjoy sharing this week’s library book with your grown-up.
  • Count random objects up to 5 and position five objects in different patterns so you can subitise and start to recognise the composition of the number.


  • Parent pupil progress meetings begin next week. If you do not have an appointment, please contact the class teacher or school office.
  • Please continue to contact the school office by email or phone 01803 607075 with any questions or queries.
  • In the event of your child being poorly, please call our absence line is 01803 607589 where you can leave a message.
  • There is also lots of useful information, as well as event dates and term dates, on our school website

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075