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Learn to Swim Sessions

At Preston Primary we strive to be innovative and try new things. Therefore, we are proud to offer Learn to Swim sessions in our school pool. These lessons are aimed at children in Puffins, Penguins and Owl classes. We feel it is important to do everything possible to keep our children water safe.

Sessions will be run by our swimming qualified staff. Lessons are half an hour after school. Maximum of five pupils per teacher. Two teachers poolside, with National Rescue Award training. 

We are offering 20 places on a Tuesday and 20 more on a Thursday afternoon, straight after school. We will safely hand over children from the class teacher to the swim teacher. We have a covered seating area at the pool, and you are most welcome to watch your child swim. In fact, you are encouraged to watch, and then help your child to get dry and changed.

Dates are from week commencing Tuesday 3rd May 2022, up to and including week commencing 11th July 2022.

Sessions are all bookable online and payable in advance. These sessions are £70 for 10 lessons. The bookings are now open.

If you already buy swimming lessons elsewhere, please consider these as an extra opportunity. All proceeds will go towards the running costs of our wonderful swimming pool. 

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075