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Year 4 Residential

Last week, 38 of our Year 4 children enjoyed the challenges of a residential trip to Dewerstone Cottage on Dartmoor. The children enjoyed activities such as rock climbing, orienteering, river scrambling, and abseiling. On the third day, the children put their new skills into practise during the Adventure Challenge Race. This race consisted of nine activities which they had to work together in small teams to complete.

The children were all incredibly brave trying the new activities, and everyone showed amazing team work throughout by looking after their teammates and cheering each other on. They really had to work hard as a team as no one could progress through the race until they had all completed each activity. Communication and collaboration skills were developed throughout the race as the children had to rely on each other.

The centre staff commented on how polite, respectful, and adventurous the children were. We are all incredibly proud of the children and what they have achieved.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075