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Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 27th May 2022

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Exciting News!

Our caterpillars have gone through their transformation (metamorphosis) from caterpillar to butterfly. This week (day 28) the butterflies have emerged from the chrysalides, the children have been fascinated. They have loved watching them and counting how many butterflies we have each day. The first butterfly emerged on day 28. The children’s original time predictions for the butterflies to emerge varied from 100 days, 6 years, and 2 minutes. The children have been recording their observations each day and hopefully now have a greater appreciation of time (days and weeks). They are beginning to understand that you have to be patient and wait for some things to happen.

We have been looking after the butterflies and feeding them sugar water, banana, and orange. The thirsty butterflies have loved sitting on top of the orange slices and enjoying a drink of orange juice! The butterflies that have emerged are called Painted Lady butterflies and they are a beautiful orange and black colour.

Today was a very exciting day for the children – we released the butterflies into the Woodland Camp! The weather was perfect. The butterflies have been so well cared for in the classroom that they did not seem keen to fly away at first. The children had an amazing close-up view of the butterflies before they eventually flew away to continue the life cycle.

Did you know?

  • Butterflies use their antennae to feel, smell and hear.
  • A group of butterflies is known as a ‘flutter’, ‘swarm’, ‘rabble’ or ‘kaleidoscope’ of butterflies.
  • Once released, Painted Lady butterflies can live outdoors for as long as an entire year.
  • A Painted Lady butterfly is capable of reaching speeds of nearly 30 miles per hour.

‘I Love Bugs’ Literacy

In our literacy lessons this week we continued to enjoy the poetry book ‘I love bugs’ by Emma Dodd.

We recapped the book and all the fabulous words the children created to describe the bugs.

This week they were inspired to write their own sentences. They were challenged to write clues that describe the bugs to help the reader guess the bug. We were very impressed with their ideas and choice of vocabulary slimy, furry, whizzy, buzzy, crawly, creepy.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed all the learning experiences around this book.


In Maths this week, we have been exploring odd and even numbers. The children have been splitting quantities of objects into two groups to see if the groups are equal. The children impressed us with their knowledge and were fully engaged in their learning. They were noticing patterns within odd and even numbers. Please continue to support your child at home to understand and explain odd and even numbers.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

It has been a very special week. The children have been learning about and celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We talked about the words Platinum and Jubilee and how it was a celebration for 70 years of the Queen’s rein or as some of the children said ‘the Queen being Queen for 70 years’.

To help the children gain a better understanding of time we looked at a photographic timeline of the Queen, back to when she was a little girl. They had lots of questions about how she became Queen and the history of the monarchy, they were fascinated and very curious.

We watched video clips of the Queen’s coronation and found out about her beautiful crown. The children were interested in where the Queen lived so we located London on a map (comparing this to where we live) and then identified some key landmarks including Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen. The children were amazed that the Queen sometimes lives in a palace, castle, and a house. We introduced the Commonwealth to the children and talked about how the Queen is Queen in other countries in addition to the United Kingdom. We looked at a globe and located many of these countries on a map and looked at all the flags.

To prepare for the Platinum Jubilee celebration we talked about the significance of the colours red, white, and blue and many of the children linked this to the Union Jack flag. The children spent time creating bunting flags and other decorations for our celebration. The children collaborated to create a special Union Jack canvas. Every child contributed to the beautiful, finger-painted, piece of artwork. They were very proud of the final product and Mr Ord has said we will find a special place to hang it in school.

Today, the children dressed as Queens, Kings, Princesses, Princes or dressed in red, white, and blue for a very special Jubilee celebration. The children had lunch outside, made crowns, and for snack in the afternoon they had a cream tea!

It has been wonderful to share the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with all the children. We hope you enjoy celebrating over half term.

Special Home Learning Task

In preparation for our learning experience after half term we encourage you to walk around the local area (around school) and take photos of any features you notice, for example, woods, beach, shops, churches. You can then send these photos on Seesaw or via e-mail to share with your friends.

Also try and draw a map of your home and label the different rooms and entrances. We will be exploring and drawing maps in school after half term.

Book Launch

We love to celebrate and enjoy books. Puffins and Penguins were lucky to be part of a special online book launch. The author, Lotte Jeffs, and illustrator, Sharon Davey, read us their new book, ‘My Magic Family’. The book celebrates all the wonderful families and the children enjoyed talking about their favourite parts and linking it to their own families. After the reading the book, the children were taught by the illustrator how to draw one of the characters from the story. They also drew their own family. The online session was recorded, and this is the link if you would like to listen to the story with your child

 Puffin Schools Virtual Visit with Lotte Jeffs & Sharon Davey| My Magic Family Event and Q&A - YouTube.

We have also purchased the book for the children to enjoy in school as part of their reading for pleasure.  

Home Learning

  • Enjoy the story on Seesaw, The Queen’s Hat by …., read by Mrs Bastin.
  • Take photos of the local area around the school to share with your friends after half term.
  • Make a map of your home and label the areas and features.
  • Check Seesaw and your book bag for this week’s RWI books and activities. Practise reading your book at least 3 times a week.
  • Use Ten Town to practice numbers 0-10.


You will have received an email this week regarding swimming sessions next half term.

Puffins and Penguins will be swimming each Tuesday. The first lesson will be Tuesday 7th June.

Dates for your diary

  • Monday 30th May - Half term begins.
  • Monday 6th June - Children return to school.
  • Tuesday 7th June – Puffins and Penguins swimming sessions start. Bring your swimming kit each Tuesday.
  • Friday 8th July – Summer Fayre. Starts at 3:15pm on the school field. (Friday 15th July – Reserve date).
  • Monday 11th July – Sports Day (Foundation 2pm-3:15pm). (Thursday 14th July – Reserve date).
  • Thursday 21st July – final day of term.

Have a lovely half term,

Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075