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Unit 2 Summer 2 Newsletter

Home Learning and Supporting the Curriculum at home

We have attached a selection of Knowledge Organisers, for you to use to support your child’s learning at home. They set out clearly what we expect children to learn and remember in that subject. Please use them at home to reinforce and help embed your child’s learning.

Our home learning project will be set on Teams, please see their home-school link books for the logins.  They also have access to lots of apps to help their learning at home. These are also on their password sheet.

Library—the children will choose a library book to share at home each Monday, please return the book every Monday.

Church trip 28th June

We are learning about places that are special to different communities and also key features of a Christian church. 

Week beginning 11th July—beach trip to be confirmed.

Year 2 sleepover Friday 1st July

We are very much looking forward to the children sleeping at school and having fun in the woodland camp.

Sports Day - Monday 11th July (Unit 2 12:45-2pm)


Please continue to contact the school office by email or phone 01803 607075 with any questions or queries. There is also lots of useful information, as well as event dates and term dates, on our school website

Please remember to order your child’s lunch online.

The gates open at 8.40am—children are welcomed into class at 8.50am.  The class teacher is available at the end of the day.

School Value

This half term, we are learning about creativity. Children will be thinking outside the box to solve problems creatively across all areas of the curriculum.

British Value

This half term, in our Class Assemblies and PSHE lessons, we are learning about the British Value of Tolerance, by understanding about different cultures and accepting others opinions.

Our Curriculum

Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 will enjoy a long and short enquiry each half term.

Long Enquiries

Our first Learning Enquiry this term is Art, ’How does time impact Art?’ we will be learning about and comparing the works of the artists Van Gogh and LS Lowry. We will be inspired by them to create a piece of work about Torbay painting in one of their styles.  Short Enquiries

In our History short enquiry the children will investigate, ‘Why do people visit Torbay for their holidays?’ and discover why Torbay became a popular tourist destination with the introduction of the railway. 


This half term in Maths, Year 2 will be learning about time and reading clocks. Then we will move on to measure. 

Year 1 will be learning to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and beginning to learn about the value of coins and money. We will also then be learning about measures and time.


We are starting off the half term by exploring a non-fiction text ‘Look inside Nature’. The children will write a factfile about under sea creatures in the same style. We will then study a poetry book ‘First book of the Sea’. We will be performing a number of poems to Unit 4.

PE and Woodland Camp:

This half term we will be going swimming during our PE lessons:

All the Owls classes will swim on a Monday

Please bring in a pair of wellies to stay in school for your child to use in the woodland camp.  

Little Owls and Tawny Owls - Tuesday, 

Snowy Owls - Wednesday

School App

Our school app is the best way to get information about dates and events going on in the school. Search for ‘School News’ in your app store.

Additional apps to support learning.

Children have access to many apps, including TT Rockstars, Sumdog, Spelling shed Math shed, MyOn, Letterjoin, and Oxford Owls. Please let your children practice on these apps during the week, as part of their home learning, as it can really benefit them.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075