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Owls meet the Owls

Our Owl Classes have been learning about nocturnal animals

Night Owls!

Little, Snowy and Tawny Owls classes had a special visitor called Lexie, who works at the Barn Owl Trust, come into school. She brought with her a 10-year-old Barn Owl called Baley; he was named this because he was found in a hay bale when he was a baby owlet.

We heard about how changes in our countryside, e.g. the building of roads, can affect the lives and habitats of owls.

We asked lots of questions and found out some fascinating facts about barn owls :

  1. One ear is higher than the other.
  2. They don’t need to drink water.
  3. Their very soft feathers mean that they can fly silently
  4. They usually eat 4 small mammals every night and they swallow their food whole.
  5. It is a myth that owls can turn their heads all the way around.

Afterwards we dissected owl pellets to find out what owls eat. We found parts of small animals, including a mouse skull, bones, claws and teeth!


Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075