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Whole School Summer Term Events

Friday 24th June – Unit discos and non-uniform day

This Friday 24th June, we will have a non-uniform day and the children will have discos in the Hall. We will be running discos during the afternoon as this is what the children have requested, and it is important to listen to the pupils’ voice.

The discos will run as follows: 1:30pm Nest, 2pm-3pm Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Owl classes), 3pm-4pm Key Stage 2 (Unit 3 and Unit 4).

On Friday, could each child please bring a donation to be used as a prize at the Summer Fair. This could be unused gifts or boxes of chocolates/sweets, a bottle (alcohol or soft drink), or toiletries/gift sets. This will help our PTA, FOPPS, get prepared for our upcoming Summer Fair.

There will be clearly marked drop-off points on the school drive on Friday morning, and staff members will be on the drive to direct you to drop-off points and to collect donations.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Friday 8th July from 3:15pm – FOPPS Summer Fair

(reserve date in case of extreme weather - Friday 15th July)

Our PTA, FOPPS (Friends of Preston Primary School) are busy planning and preparing for our Summer Fair. The Summer Fair will take place on Friday 8th July from 3:15pm. FOPPS are planning a variety of stalls and games and will be set up on the school drive and the field.

Teachers will hand children over as normal at the end of the day, and you can then make your way around to the fair.


Monday 11th July - Whole School Sports Day

(reserve date in case of extreme weather - Thursday 14th July)

Unit 4 9am-10:30am, Unit 3 10:30am-12pm, Picnic lunch on the field 12:10pm-12:40pm,

Unit 2 12:45pm-2pm, Unit 1 (Foundation) 2pm-3:15pm

We are delighted to welcome you all to our second Sports Day this academic year. We have a Sports Day each July, but we also had a Sports Day back in September. This was to celebrate the completion of our astroturf field and because we deserved the celebration following the restrictions of the covid regulations.

All parents are carers are welcome to come along to Sports Day and support the children in their races. It is important for children to be competitive and learn how to win, but it is also important that children learn how to support and appreciate the efforts of others.

We have our wooden seating stand for spectators, but please feel free to bring your own blankets or camping chairs.

The Sports Day will run as four separate events: Unit 4, Unit 3, Unit 2, and then Unit 1 (Foundation). We will also have a whole school picnic lunch from 12:10pm to 12:40pm where you are welcome to stay and sit with your child. Please don’t worry if you cannot attend for the lunch as your children can sit with familiar adults in their Units.

If we have extremes of weather on the day, such as extreme heat or heavy rain, we may need to cancel the picnic lunch. We will have to make this decision at short notice on the day.


Please note that you can always check for dates and events on our school website. Preston Primary School Academy - School Calendar

We also have our school app, which hopefully you all have on your phones already. You can download the app by searching for ‘School News’ in your app store, and selecting Preston Primary School TQ2 6UY.


Kind regards and thank you in advance because your support at these events makes it special for the children,

Preston Primary School

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075