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Foundation Stage Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Newsletter, 2nd December 2022

Learning Experience - Celebrations       

Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning about different celebrations. We have learnt about Bonfire Night, Diwali, Birthdays, and this week we focused on Christmas. We have been talking about why, where, and how people celebrate? Developing an understanding of similarities and differences. We used visuals to help us compare the different celebrations. The children noticed some similarities, that all the celebrations were usually celebrated with friends and family and that people celebrate by having special food and visiting special places.

This week we have been learning about the Christian celebration Christmas. To support our curriculum learning, we visited St Paul's Church to meet Reverend Pout and curate Ruth. The children had a tour of the church, learning about the different features. They were particularly fascinated by the font and pulpit. They listened to the nativity story being read from the Bible and had the opportunity to ask questions about why Christmas is important to Christians. It was a wonderful visit, and they are looking forward to the next visit. We will now be focusing on the significance of performing a Nativity. The children have been working hard rehearsing, and we also started recording this week. We are looking forward to sharing the final movie and performing the songs to you on Tuesday 13th December at 9.30am.

The children have also been learning about Advent, how it is a time for Christians to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They learnt the word ‘Advent’ comes from a very old word ‘Adventus’ which means the arrival of something or someone important. We talked about the advent wreath and the meaning of the candles. The children drew pictures from the nativity and made an enormous traditional advent calendar. We will be opening a door each day.

The children have been learning that different families have different traditions at Christmas time. Some families put up decorations, so the children decided they would like to decorate the classrooms and put up a Christmas tree. We also had a visit from two elves who will be leaving challenges for the children each day! Please continue to talk to your child about your own Christmas traditions and find out how other people celebrate Christmas.

Visitor in school

Thank you to Reverend Matt Bray for coming in to school to read some Bible stories to the children as part of our religious education curriculum. The children enjoyed listening to the stories, ‘The Lost Sheep’ and ‘The Good Stranger’. They had the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the stories in the Bible. Thank you Matt, the children are looking forward to you visiting again in the new year.

Maths workshop for parents

This week we held an early years maths workshop, talking to parents about the importance of Number Sense. We discussed the three main areas of number sense: complexities of counting, subitising and composition of number. At the end of the presentation there was an opportunity for the children to take their parents into the classroom to try some of the many wonderful maths activities. It was wonderful to see the children so excited to share their mathematical understanding. Thank you to everyone who attended the event. It was wonderful to be able to share our passion for maths with so many families.

If you were unable to attend the event but would like to know about number sense, please come and talk to a class teacher. We will be sharing the PowerPoint slides from the event, also we have created a leaflet with some key information to share with you.

Home Learning

  • Enjoy listening to this week’s story on Seesaw.
  • Check your child’s book bag or on Seesaw for phonics activities and reading to complete at home.
  • Please support your child in learning their lines and songs for the nativity
  • Talk to your child about your own family Christmas traditions and that of others. Make comparisons.

Important Dates        

  • Non-school uniform day – Friday 9th December – please bring a bottle for the tombola
  • FOPPS Christmas Market - Friday 9th December 3:15 – 5:30pm
  • Foundation Stage nativity songs to parents – Tuesday 13th December 9:30am.
  • Christmas lunch – Wednesday 14th December. Please book on the Aspens Select website by Friday 9th December.
  • Christmas jumper day and Christmas party – Friday 16th December.
  • Last day of term - Friday 16th December.

From Mrs Bastin, Mrs Clague and the Foundation Stage Team

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075