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Unit 3 Summer 2 Newsletter

Home Learning and Supporting the Curriculum at home

We have attached a selection of Knowledge Organisers for you to use to support your child’s learning at home. These set out clearly what we expect children to learn and remember in that subject. Please use these at home to embed your child’s learning and encourage them to tick off the small steps as they learn them in school. Encourage your child to log into TT Rockstars on the Sound Check as often as possible. This will help alongside the dedicated sessions we do in school to boost their fluency at times table recall. Children should be fluent in tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. The Sound Check will be  similar to the Multiplication Check that all children in Year 4 have undertaken this month. You will have log ins for SumDog and Spelling and Maths Shed. We are also using a spelling scheme of work called No Nonsense Spelling that works on progression of sounds and builds on children’s prior knowledge. Please continue to use Spelling Shed for practice. 

Home Learning suggestions:

Visit different places in our local area. Can you collect photos or drawings of any local architecture? Are there any buildings that are designed in a beautiful way? Are there any buildings or features that stand out to you? What makes them stand out?

Re-design your home in the style of Hundertwasser or Hadid. This could include a drawing of what it will look like from the outside, and some new designs for the inside.


In school, children are encouraged to read daily. They take quizzes on Accelerated Reader (AR) about the books they have read and earn points for this. Children are also expected to log on to AR at home to quiz on the books they read at home. At the end of the half term, we will be giving certificates to every child who reaches their own individual target for points earned. To support passion and progression, we expect children to read daily at home for at least 15 minutes. Please support and encourage your child in this by listening to them read aloud often and talking about what they have read to help develop comprehension skills and develop an inquisitive nature about books. It is also beneficial for children to hear you read aloud to them regularly to help develop and maintain a love for reading. Modelling your own love of reading can really help your child’s reading progress.

School Value

This half term, in our Class Assemblies and PSHE lessons, we are learning about the value of Creativity and how we can be creative in school and our personal lives.

British Value

This half term, in our Class Assemblies, we are learning about the British Value of Democracy by supporting our school council with their ideas. We will learn about why democracy is important.

Our Curriculum

Long Enquiries

This half term, the children will be focusing on Art. They will learn about Architecture and how architects have worked to design buildings that are not only practical, but also artistic or beautiful. They will focus on two architects: Hundertwasser and Hadid, learning about their different styles before having a go at implementing their artistic skills to create their own building designs in the style of them. As part of this enquiry, children will use 3D materials such as cardboard and clay to create models of their designs. The focus will be on the appearance of the design as art.

Short Enquiries

Our Short Enquiry for this half term is History. Children will be learning about what Torbay was like during the Stone Age and will enjoy a trip to Kent’s Cavern. Children will learn what the Stone Age is, when it occurred and what the key accomplishments were. This will be a local historical study. At Kent’s Cavern, children will learn about what Torbay was like in the Stone Age and be able to make comparisons between the Stone Age and Bronze Age, using their prior learning.


In Year 3 maths, children are continuing to calculate with fractions, to find equivalent fractions and to be able to add and subtract them. We will then move on to statistics. In maths this half term, Year 4 will be calculating with fractions including: addition and subtraction and mixed number fractions.

Please ensure your children are practicing their multiplication tables up 12x12 daily.


Children will be writing a poem based on Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson. They will write a short adventure story in the style of the Moomins, focusing on creating their own creative authorial voice. They will also write a non-fiction text about plants, using knowledge gained in Science this half term.

PE— Swimming

Sparrows Tuesday, Starlings and Swifts Wednesday.

Please ensure your child brings the following on their PE day:

· Swimming costume or trunks

· Towel

· Goggles/swimming cap if required

Dates to remember

Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th July—Trips to Kent’s Cavern.

Monday 10th July—Sports Day (Unit 3 10:30am—12pm)

Friday 14th July—FOPPS Summer Fair from 3:15pm.

Thursday 20th, Friday 21st July—Transition days in new classes.


Please continue to contact the school office by email or phone 01803 607075 with any questions or queries. There is also lots of useful information, as well as event dates and term dates, on our school website

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075