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School Council

Democracy is an important British value that we want all the children at Preston to understand, which is why our school council is important, to allow our children to voice their opinions. This half-term, every class in KS1 and KS2 have held hustings to vote for their class school council representative for the year. The children who wanted to be put forward wrote a speech to share with their peers. Well done to all the children who shared their speeches. Each child voted and one representative was chosen from each class. Here are our representatives for this year:

Kestrels - Sam

Eagles - Hattie

Hawks - Oliver

Sparrows - Izzy

Starlings - Barnaby

Swifts - Daniel

Snowy Owls - Rayne

Tawny Owls - Polly

Little Owls - Olivia

Last year, the School Council Reps focused on improving communication skills across the school (oracy). This year, they will be working collaboratively to raise awareness about the Asda Cashpot initiative. They will be discussing ways that the funds could be used to benefit the school, a great example of the children using our school aim of ‘be a good citizen.’ We look forward to seeing the changes the school council make this year.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075