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Love to Learn

Unit 4 were very lucky to have a visit from Bay Brass on Friday afternoon. The children were treated to a medley of Disney songs, a waltz, some classical Spanish music, and the sea shanty ‘The Wellerman’. They were introduced to six different brass instruments and even had a go at playing them.

The children showed our school aim of Love to Learn as they listened carefully to the instructions on how to make a sound on these instruments. They showed determination and resilience as they persevered to make a sound. The musicians were very impressed with how respectfully the children behaved towards them and the care they took using the instruments. We also had some very thoughtful questions for the musicians, What is your favourite tune to play? How long have you been playing? And even a request for the theme tune to Wallace and Gromit!

A big thank you to Bay Brass who have taken the time to come and play for us. It was an inspiring afternoon.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075