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Our Curriculum

Our School Curriculum

Our curriculum is inclusive, as we passionately believe that all children, no matter what disadvantages they face, have a right to a high-quality education. This is at the heart of all we do.

It is progressive and builds knowledge, as we see primary education as an opportunity to explore the whole breadth of subjects with our children, and helping them retain the knowledge that will enable them to go on to enjoy academic success.

It promotes our School Values, as we believe that it is more important than ever to help children understand the principles of Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork, Independence, Creativity and Determination, so that they can go on to be happy and compassionate members of society.

Finally, our curriculum is underpinned by our three threads … Love to Learn, Ready for Work and Be a Good Citizen.


How do we make our curriculum inclusive?

As a staff, we are committed to helping disadvantaged children and those with special education needs (SEN) narrow the gap with their peers, so that they can leave ready to take advantage of all secondary school can offer. To do this, these children are at the heart of every lesson, with teachers carefully considering how to adapt their teaching so that all children can contribute and make progress. When planning, we ensure extra support and scaffolding is in place to allow every child to take an active part in learning. Our SENDCo and Pastoral Team hold surgeries in which teachers can discuss the individual needs of these high-priority children to consider the best strategies to support their learning.

We know there is much more to success than what happens in the classroom. Our Pastoral Team work hard to support disadvantaged children and their families when they need it the most.


How do we make our curriculum progressive so that it builds knowledge?

Much of our learning is broken into Long and Short Enquiries, that aim to improve the way that children learn. We focus on the teaching of knowledge, skills, themes and vocabulary linked to each Enquiry. Each subject has a progression plan that enables teachers to plan sessions that build upon the learning from previous years, previous topics and previous lessons. We help children make links between different areas of learning and to ensure that ‘knowledge’ is explicitly taught. Children talk about what they have learnt, rather than what activities they have done. Learning starts with a recap of prior learning. These questions are carefully planned to enable children to revisit their learning and move their knowledge into their long-term memory. Teachers will select questions that enable the children to access the knowledge that will help them make greater progress within lessons, as the knowledge builds session by session. So revisiting learning, and the curriculum being sequenced is vitally important, and at the heart of our intent. Regular assessment allows teachers to quickly identify anyone who may be falling behind and deliver the additional support needed to help them catch up with their peers.


How do we promote our School Values?

Our reward scheme recognises when pupils have improved their understanding of each of our values. Through our curriculum, children can demonstrate each value, knowing that this will be praised and rewarded. Our Celebration Assemblies highlight Achievers of the Week, and Class Cups are taken home every weekend. The reward scheme culminates every Summer with children “purchasing” reward activities. Their hard work converts into a currency that buys them those rewards. This mirrors life and helps children become reflective learners.


How is the curriculum underpinned by Love to Learn, Ready for Work and Be a Good Citizen?

We have high expectations for all our pupils. Those expectations will be delivered by our curriculum giving pupils the opportunities to develop character. When your values influence your behaviour, your character is developed and moulded. By demonstrating our School Values, our pupils will go on to become positive members of society, lifelong learners and ready for the challenges of the world of work. Our curriculum provides opportunities for them to develop character, and to become the well-rounded individuals our world needs.

Below is a series of links to each subject of our curriculum. Each subject page has a document that details the content and expectations of the planned learning. Also, below is a document and a video that give an overview of Our Curriculum.



Modern Foreign Languages


Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education

Physical Education





Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075