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Absence & Attendance

We ask parents to make contact with the school on each morning of absence, and our Attendance Officer will follow up with parents that we have not heard from on the same morning.

To report your child's absence, please contact us by phone and leave a message on the Absence Line, send an Arbor in-app message, or email. Please state the symptoms/nature of illness.

Preston Primary Absence Line: 01803 607589


Parental Responsibilities:

Ensure that your child is at school every day unless: • they are too ill to attend (not minor illness) • hospital appointment (non-routine) • Doctor or Dental appointment (urgent and cannot be arranged outside school hours - medical evidence should be provided, i.e., a copy of an appointment text or reminder, appointment card, appointment email, or letter) • agreed activity e.g. dance exam, national sports trials • authorised leave (see Appendix G of our Pupil Attendance Policy – Term Time Leave Statement)

Ensure that your child always arrives on time and ready to learn.

In the event of absence due to illness: • contact the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence • contact the school for each subsequent day of illness

Unacceptable reasons for absence: • unauthorised holiday, including surprises • birthdays • shopping • routine medical and dental appointments which should be scheduled for after school or holiday time • excessive medical absence which may need investigation • leaving early for a weekend away.

Unacceptable reasons for lateness: • overslept • running late • regular excuses relating to transport • dropping off younger siblings • disruption at home.

Whilst it is acknowledged that there might be the odd unforeseen difficulty as above, this is not expected to be a regular occurrence.

Government advice for common childhood illnesses:    Is my child too ill for school?

National policy no longer allows schools to authorise holidays.  Special leave may however be granted in "exceptional circumstances". Please complete and return an Absence Request Form - the form is below, or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.

These circumstances include:

  • Weddings
  • Religious Observance
  • Funerals 

Our policy on this is shared with most schools in Torbay. The full attendance policy can be found within the policy section of this website. Policies

Please see the link below, which is a briefing paper following the outcome of the Isle of Wight case:

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075