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Relationships, sex and health education

Relationships, Sex and Health Education  (RSHE)

At Preston Primary School, our RSHE provision is underpinned by our vision to create a safe, positive, innovative and stimulating environment in which all members of the school community can learn and grow. 

We believe that our six core values of Respect, Responsibility, Independence, Teamwork, Creativity and Determination form the cornerstones of our learning enquiries and support the development of pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding.  These are partnered with British Values of ‘Democracy, The Rule of Law, Tolerance and Individual Liberty’ and provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to:

  • lead confident, healthy, independent lives,
  • make informed decisions and life choices,
  • become active and responsible citizens,
  • grow into resilient, caring, and respectful young people who are ready for work in the 21st Century. 

In providing children with an understanding of healthy and respectful relationships, in the context of stable and loving relationships which centre around respect, love and care for family life, we consider effective RSHE to be a fundamental part of our whole school approach.  It teaches children and young people to develop and form positive beliefs and attitudes about themselves and others whose lives seem different from our own. RSHE should build resilience within our pupils; promoting the development of their positive self-esteem, self-confidence and their ability to self-regulate so that they can identify and resist harmful influences in all it’s forms, including online.  RSHE is therefore, contributes the essential development of individual character.

The aims of Relationships, Sex and Health education at our school are to:

  • Provide a consistent standard of relationships, sex and health education across the school,
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy,
  • Promote responsible behaviour,
  • Create a positive culture of communication around issues of relationships, both in real life and online,
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies,
  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place,
  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development (including reproduction) and the importance of health and hygiene,
  • Teach pupils how to relate to others in a positive and meaningful way,
  • To provide all pupils with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to make positive and healthy choices concerning relationships as they grow up and be able to deal with risk,
  • To enable our pupils to recognise and combat exploitation,
  • Ensure that all pupils, by the time they reach secondary school age, are well equipped and on an equal footing, to deal with the secondary RSHE curriculum.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Lessons

At Preston Primary, we will use the Jigsaw Scheme of Work for PSHE.  

Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of planning and resources, which are periodically updated to ensure they remain relevant and engaging to children and meet all statutory requirements of RSHE outcomes. The Jigsaw teaching materials integrate personal, social, health, economic education (PSHE), emotional literacy, social skills, mindfulness and spiritual development in a whole-school approach.  The DfE Relationships and Health Education guidance is woven throughout the Jigsaw programme, but is specifically covered in the Relationships and Healthy Me Puzzles, with puberty and human reproduction being taught in the Changing Me Puzzle.  The Jigsaw materials are aligned with the PSHE Association programmes of study and link to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles.  Our PSHE curriculum also contributes to the teaching of Fundamental British Values and the school’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) provision.

There are six Puzzles that will each be taught simultaneously throughout school during the year and will change every half term:

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me In My World

Understanding Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me


Mindfulness techniques are taught as an integral part of all the PSHE lessons during the ‘Calm me’ activities.  At this time children will explore and practice breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisations.  These will support the development of pupil’s emotional regulation, enabling them to build emotional resilience and enhance their focus and concentration skills.  

We have mixed year groups at Preston Primary School following our Reception Foundation Stage in Unit 1.  From September 2021, Units 2-4 will follow a two-year cycle to ensure the whole PSHE puzzle content is delivered to our pupils during their time in each Unit.

In addition to this discrete teaching and learning, aspects of the RSHE will be embedded within our:

  • EYFS, Science, citizenship, computing, RE and PE national curriculum,
  • Extra-curricular clubs and activities,
  • Whole school pastoral restorative approach and intervention groups,
  • Whole school, unit and class assemblies,
  • 4 C’s learning principles that explicitly teach the skills of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking that we believe are needed to prepare our children for the 21st century work place,
  • Play Leader Scheme,
  • Love of stories/storytelling and practice of Mindfulness.

Please make contact with the your child’s class teacher or the school’s pastoral team to request more information, or to view teaching materials or to discuss any specific concerns about the Science, RSHE and PSHE curriculum.  The pastoral team can be contacted via email: or by contacting the main school landline:  01803 607075

For more information about the Jigsaw, please visit:  Primary and Secondary PSHE fulfilling RSE | Jigsaw PSHE Ltd  © Jigsaw PSHE       

Preston Primary School Playground Leaders

The aim of Playground Leaders is to ensure all children have a fun and enjoyable playtime, where they can interact and communicate with other children, whilst improving their health, fitness, and well-being.

Playground Leaders provide structured physical activity on the KS2 playground on a lunchtime that encourages all KS2 children to participate in activities, increase positive social interaction and have fun.

The role supports the development of leadership skills in Year 5 and 6. It encourages pupils to take responsibility and develop skills such as organisation, problem solving, communication, confidence, and self-esteem. It develops their cooperation skills, moral and social skills, alongside planning and self-review. It also provides the older children with the opportunity to work with the younger children, therefore, promoting integration and social inclusion.

The six key principles for Playground Leaders are:

  • Enjoyment
  • Co-operation
  • Safety
  • Opportunities
  • Instructions
  • Responsibility


If the children do not find sessions fun and enjoyable, they will not return


Working co-operatively with children across Key Stage 2.


Understand the importance of playing by the rules and checking safety of equipment alongside staff.


Creating opportunities for children, enabling them to take part in a variety of activities that may be of interest to them.


Make instructions clear with support of staff.


To support the positive play experiences of their peers.


Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075