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Unit 2 - Years 1 & 2

Unit 2 Home Learning

We value Home Learning, and Lockdown in 2020 has made us all realise that learning can happen at home, at school, on the beach, or in the woods on a family walk. Thank you for all the support you give your child.

In case of further school closures due to the pandemic, we will continue to set work and support online. We have used Seesaw, however we now use Microsoft Teams to set and collect Home Learning tasks.

Spellings, and Maths are sent home regularly via Edshed. At the start of each half term, we will send you a newsletter explaining our learning and how you can support that at home.

In addition, here are some suggestions for home activities to supplement learning with your child.


  • Using your body eg: hands or a tape measure (if safely supervised by a grown-up) how tall is your settee? How tall is your kitchen table? How tall are your mummies? How tall are your daddies?
  • While out on a walk practise your subitising. Look at a collection of acorns and estimate how many there are then check.
  • Make a cake and measure the ingredients carefully. Then how can you share it out equally? How many parts might you divide it into?


  • Continue to share your RWI books together. Encourage the children to read aloud as much as possible. Please continue to work through the Set sounds booklets your child has brought home. Please refer to these videos for guidance on pronunciation:

  • Children could also create their own RWInc sound cards to use at home. They could teach them to a class of teddies.
  • While the children are completing any of these tasks, please praise them for showing any of our 6 school values: independence, team work, respect, responsibility, creativity and determination. Please discuss these with the children: Why are our values important? How can we show them during this time? How do they help us to learn?
  • Oxford Owl website have many free books online for children to read and listen to.
  • Storyline Online also have a bank of stories.
  • See attachments below for Year 2 SATs practice.

Personal, social and emotional development

  • Play UNO with your family.
  • Get out a board game and take turns.
  • Devise your own craft project.
  • Learn something new eg; Knitting.
  • Make a card for a neighbour who may be lonely.
  • Write a letter to a classmate and bring it with you when we return.
  • Sing nursery rhymes and songs.

Other Resources

Please do continue to access the online learning provisions that your children have been using.

Sumdog has granted full access to the maths and literacy provisions on the website.

Keep your eyes open for competitions on Times Table Rock Stars! We often compete against the other two schools in our Academy Trust. Logins can be found in their orange home school link books.

Twinkl have also temporarily made free access possible for everybody, so children can go onto this site to access many educational activities, as well as activities linked to their group’s spellings (along side other areas of the curriculum.) This link will direct you to register a login. Please use the following promotional code: UKTWINKLHELPS 

Read Write Inc

RWI Phonics lessons at home from Monday 23rd March

Ruth Miskin Training are scheduling free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home; three short Speed Sound lessons with one of their trainers every day for the next two weeks. Films will only be available at the times below:

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm

Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm

Note: films are streamed live and won’t be available at other times.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075