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Primary School

Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter

Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter, 20th September 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a fun filled week, the children continue to thrive. Thank you for the Harvest donations, they will be donated to Paignton Community Larder. We enjoyed our first trip to the Woodland Camp this week. We talked about all the wonderful opportunities and how to keep ourselves and others safe in the camp. We will be visiting the Woodland Camp in all weathers so it is important that all children have named wellies and a waterproof suit.

We are starting to learn our school values. However, in Foundation we learn them in dinosaur form! Each dinosaur has a special name and we talk about how we can demonstrate that particular value in our learning and everyday life.

Here is our latest school value in dinosaur form:

“I am Explorasaurus. I am very curious and like to use my senses to find things out. I can play with things I know but I also like to try new activities. I am brave and like exciting challenges and think that I can achieve everything.”

In Puffins and Penguins, we support children to understand that they are all special in their own way. We take it in turns to celebrate one ‘Special Person’ each day. They wear a special badge, carry out special jobs and stand at the front of the line. It is important for children to feel confident in their own abilities and recognise the talent in others. We ask that the children bring the badge back the following day to pass on to the next person.

In Read Write Inc this week the children learnt the sounds i, n, p, g, o. Encourage your child to complete the handwriting pages in the booklet sent home. We will also continue to learn how to say the sounds in a word and then blend sounds together. For example “c-a-t… cat, b-a-d…bad”

Every morning the children will write their name trying to use the correct letter formation. Please help your child practise at home and be as creative as you like using chalk or a paintbrush and water on the pavement.

In Maths, we continued to explore the number 5. We have also been learning about ‘part-part-whole’, we used food to demonstrate. For example, we had a whole pear because we had all of it. We then cut the pear into parts and put it back together to make the whole again. 

The children were very excited to start the Brush Bus this week. They are already showing great independence and enjoy brushing along to the song. Please support your child to be independent at home with their tooth brushing, you could even Google ‘The Brush Bus Song’ and brush along together.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation Team

Ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home:

  • Draw a picture of your family and write your name on it. Stick it in your red book for us to see.
  • Take a picture of you doing something independently (i.e. putting your shoes on) and stick it in your red book.
  • Write your name trying to use the correct letter formation.
  • Cut up whole pieces of fruit into parts using the language ‘part-part-whole’
  • Think of words that start with the sound i, n, p ,g, o.

Foundation Stage Home Learning Meeting – Wednesday 25th September at 2.45pm in the Hall.

A short meeting giving you an insight into the learning taking place at school and how this can be supported by you at home. We look forward to seeing you.

The Elves and the Shoemakers

To support our learning we will be visiting the theatre to watch ‘The Elves and the Shoemakers’. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to see a stage production before they perform their own Nativity. A letter has been sent with further details. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a class teacher.

Dates to remember – more information will be given nearer the time

Home Learning Meeting – 25th September at 2.45pm

Parents Evening – 8th and 9th October 3.30pm – 6pm

School Disco and non-uniform day – 11th October

Half Term 14th – 25th October

Return to school - 28th October

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075