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Primary School

Police Visit

Ready for Work

This half term, children in Foundation have been linking their learning to our school aim ‘Ready for Work’. They have been exploring the many job opportunities that could be available to them in the future, and the skills they will need to do these jobs. This week, they had a special visit from local Police Officers who spoke to the children about their important role in keeping our community safe. The Police Officers explained their daily duties, from responding to emergencies to helping people in need. They shared safety tips, answered questions, and explained to the children how they use all our School Values in their workplace. The children also had the opportunity to try on uniform, take fingerprints, and see inside a police car.  It was an exciting and educational experience. Thank you to the officers for helping the children understand the important role of a Police Officer, and inspiring them to think about their future careers.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075